Loki~ She's a Frostgiant

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"I have to tell him, before something goes wrong" you say as your flushing the toilet with throw up in it. You wash your face so you look presentable for Loki. Morning sickness is hitting you hard that you can barely keep anything down. This time it's different, you are more sick then with your first two boys. "Maybe it's a girl this time and that's why you're so sick" you think to yourself.

"Mommy are you ok?" The eldest Benjamin asks. You turn from the mirror and smile at him. "Yes Ben mommy is alright. Where is your brother?" "Oh out in the palace gardens playing with his ball and bat you brought from Midgard" Benjamin says as he sits on your bed. "Father told me to come here when I was done with breakfast to check on you." You laugh and put your fingers up to your forehead imitating Loki's horned helmet,  "Oh the mighty King has to send someone to check on me because he's too busy to do it him self." Benjamin laughs but quickly stops but you still imitate Loki until you back into something hard. "I see you like to make fun of me in front of our child my queen" Loki says in a very serious tone you've never heard in all 15 years of your marriage. It scared you and when you turned to face him, his stone cold face was even more frightening.

"Go out and play with your brother Benjamin, I need a word with your mother" Loki says as Ben practically runs out of your room. "Way to go (Y/N) you did it this time. You've never seen him this angry" you think to yourself.  "Sit down (Y/N)" he says as he gestures to a chair. "You think it's funny to mock me in front of our children? You may not realize this but I am a king and don't need my wife mocking me behind my back" he says as he is inching closer to your face with that frightening look on his face. All you could do is mutter out was a sorry before you ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of your stomach. Through the closed door Loki asks "(Y/N) are you ok? I'm not mad darling I only wanted to scare you. It's just a trick. I thought your impression of me was rather funny."

You walk out of the bathroom in tears as you cling to Loki. "My darling what is wrong? Are you ill?" He asks as he walks you to the bed and puts a hand on your forehead. "(Y/N), you're cold as ice. I'm taking you to the healers." Next thing you knew Loki was running down the palace halls with you in his arms. "Loki I know what's wrong, I'm pregnant." With this he stops in his tracks and looks you in the eyes with tears in his. "She's a Frostgiant. She's going to kill you. I have to get you to the healers before it's too late." He continues to sprint down the halls till he places you on an examination table in the healing room.

As soon as your skin touched the table the healers were at work. Poking and prodding you with different tools and IVs. Loki strokes your hair and holds your hand tight through the whole thing. "Loki?" You say in a hush. "Yes my love? Are you in pain? What's wrong?" "Nothing I'm fine just a little cold, but how did you know it was a girl"? "What do you mean? And do you want a blanket?" He asks with tears still in his eyes. You reach up and wipe them away saying "Yes please but when I told you I was pregnant you said she's a Frostgiant. "Oh yes I did, I used my magic that's how I know" he says kissing your forehead pulling back quickly. "I'm not used to you being this cold dear." You start to giggle "Yeah you're the one that's usually cold huh."
Loki smiles and kisses you.

The healers continue to work on you till you feel the warmth return to your skin. The lead healer tells you that you are stable and will have a normal pregnancy even though she will be part Jotun. As you and Loki walk out of the healing room you see your boys, Benjamin and Link, sitting outside the door. "We saw dad running with you here so we followed" Ben says hugging you. "Are you ok mommy" Link asks while you pick him up. "Yes my darlings I'm ok. Daddy and I have something very important to tell you. Let's go to daddy's room" you say as Loki takes Bens hand and you all head to your room.

Benjamin is 10 and Link is 5 so explaining to them that they will be getting a baby sister might be challenging. You all sit on your bed. Loki starts" Boys something is going to happen and we'd like to let you be the first to know. Mommy is going to be sick sometimes so we need you two to be mom little helpers. Does that sound good to you guys?" "Yes daddy but why does mommy have to be sick" Ben asks. "Yeah I don't want mommy sick" link says cuddling up to your side. "It's a good kind of sick boys because mommy is having a baby. In a few months you will have a baby sister to protect and look after" you say and the boys jaws drop. They crawl over to you and hug and kiss you. "Yay we get a sister!" They shout. "Well that went well" Loki says as he laughs and kisses you. Once the excitement calms down Link rubs your stomach and asks "Was is her name going to be?" You and Loki look at each other "We don't know yet. You two could help us if you think of names for her, you can tell us but keep it a secret we don't want all of Asgard to know yet. Ok? Pinky promise" you say as you stick out your pinky and the boys wrap their pinkies around yours. "Mommy what about your name for the baby" Ben says. "That's a good idea Benjamin" Loki says with a smile. You think about it then say "that's not really fair to daddy because you boys ain't named after him. Link laughs and says "Yes huh mommy. Lokison." Everyone laughs "He's got you there (Y/N)" Loki says. "She won't be a Lokison would she dad?" Ben asks. "No son she will be a Lokidaughter." "That makes sense."

Tom and Loki one shots (#Wattys 2016)Where stories live. Discover now