A Call for Help

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Firstly I'd like to say author's notes are lame.

Who came here to read an author's note? Certainly not any of my fellow Jerza shippers that are probably like JELLAL WHERES JELLAL JELLAAAALLL

Just me?

Ah, well :3

My name is Anne, and I'm sorry if these uploads take time, but hey I'm gonna try, okay? A+ for effort ^o^

If you listen to a band called My Chemical Romance it would mean a lot to me if you read my fic for that. But since I wrote it awhile ago, I'm sure there'll be a bit of a difference in my writing style XD

Im gonna try to make these uploads decently long!!


If you like a chapter, please leave a vote or comment! I love hearing from you guys!



Erza's P.O.V

I paced along a rocky dirt road with my closest comrades: Lucy, Gray, Natsu, and Happy. As I wheeled along my luggage, I looked up at the sky that had splotches of pure white clouds slowly spinning around a bright late afternoon sun. I felt the sunlight as it warmed my skin and it began to fill me with a peaceful happiness.

"I'm so friggin' hungryy" Natsu groaned, interrupting my thoughts as he trudged forward.

"Aye sir" Happy agreed wearily.

"Come on you two, you know Magnolia is right over these hills. We'll be eating in no time!" Lucy said with a gleaming smile.

As I briefly watched this conversation take place, I noticed Gray wasn't walking with us. Could I have been so foolish to ponder in my own thoughts so long that I'd lost track of our friend?

"Have any of you seen Gray?" I inquired as I began to grow slightly worried. Gray really took a beating at our last job, and was in no shape to be walking around alone.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him since we took a rest two towns back," Lucy replied with a look of concern.

"Yea, me too. How did we loose that idiot?" Natsu said scratching his head before taking a look around. Suddenly, his gaze landed on my luggage. "Don't worry, I found that stripping pervert,"

I followed Natsu's eyesight to find Gray sleeping on top of my bags peacefully. At first, an annoyance inside of me grew as I realized I had just unwillingly carried this dimwit for over two hours, which caused me to clench my fists. I sighed and released my tension. I took into consideration that without Gray's help this time around, we probably would've struggled much more with the job at hand.

Natsu's flames ignited instinctively as he aimed to hit Gray and wake him.

"Who said you were allowed to sleep on the job?" Natsu growled as he sprung into the air. "Wakey-Wakey, Ice princess!" He grinned wickedly as his fist launched forward.

I quickly sprung into his way and caught the fist that was meant to hit a defenseless, unconscious Gray.

"Without Gray's help, we ourselves could've come out much more injured than just the few scrapes we have now. Gray used up all his magic energy to protect us, and I believe that maybe this once he deserves a break." I pronounced as Natsu listened intently out of fear.

"I highly suggest you stand down." I said in the most menacing voice I could, a dark aura surrounding me.

He sighed and extinguished his fire, "Yes mam..."

We then continued to walk towards our town of Magnolia. As we came over the last hill, I admired the view of the whole town. Brushes of stone gray and burgundy wove their way across the varying rooftops. It was truly beautiful in its own homely way. I then noticed two cloaked figures approaching us.

As they drew closer, I recognized them as Jellal and Meredy. What could they be doing here? Nothing could've happened to Magnolia while we were away, could it? Jellal's footsteps came within earshot now, as his eyes remained solely on me. I felt my heart rate increase and I found myself feeling... Bubbly, in a way. Why is this happening? I brought my fingertips to my neck, examining my pulse. Nearly at 120 beats per minute? Was I counting correctly?

"What brings you to town?" I managed to ask with a weak smile as they came within arms length. I disregarded the thought of heartbeats just as rapidly as it had created itself. 'How random,' I thought as I dismissed it.

"You do, Erza." Jellal said as casual as ever. He kept his relaxed expression quite well, not even a twitch of a smile emerged from his lips. Jellal had always had that neutral effect ever since he was revived and breath entered his lungs once again. The others would never believe, but he was quite lively and enthusiastic as a youth. He had what seemed to be an eternal glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I remembered to respond as I fought back from blushing. Memories have always had a constant role in my mindset. For as long as I can remember, my mind has always been left in the past to rethink life's events. Only in battles have my recollections faded, leaving me with a clear view of the here and now.

"We went to the Fairy Tail guild in search of you. Upon finding out that you were at a different job, we hoped on meeting up with you along the way. We need your help." He continued, never breaking eye contact. The same reluctant, emotionless ambience restricted his visage to move a muscle.

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