Running Out of Time

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Jellal's P.O.V.

"We have to hurry up, she's running in the direction of their guild hall," I reminded the rest of our team, who seemed less than happy with me. I don't blame them.

But I have to keep this act up, for Erza. So she can let me go and focus on herself. 

"Yeah, well it's your own damn fault she ran off in the first place, Jellal," Natsu spat as he jogged behind me, "Why'd you have to be like that to her? She didn't do a thing to you,"

"You better have a good explanation or this team of ours isn't going to last much longer," Gray agreed.

Erza could've only been a half-mile or so in front of us, maybe a little more. We just needed to pick up the pace a little bit more to catch up to her, but we were running out of time. The Damned's guildhall was getting closer and closer.

"Don't you get it?" I shouted back at them without turning to face them as I ran, "I have to be this way! It's the only way she's going to let go! This job is too dangerous to be worrying about another person while fighting. She has to worry about herself,"

Just then, I felt a sharp grasp on the back of my clothing that pulled me backwards, onto the ground. 

"Don't you get it?" Natsu spat in my face as he hovered over me and grabbed me by the collar, "The reason our team, no, our entire guild has always made it through is because we depend on each other. You've got it all wrong, Jellal."

"We don't just fight for ourselves," Lucy added with a bitter expression.

"We fight for our family," Gray stated as he stepped forward behind Natsu.

"We fight for the people we care about." Juvia finished, now gathering with the rest of the Fairy Tail wizards.

I didn't know what to say.

"Erza's fighting spirit lies completely in her heart," Gray crossed his arms, "And right now, I don't think she's going to be fighting her best."

Natsu let go of my shirt and got off of me, rising to his feet, "We're going to go after her and give her a reason to fight. If you're gonna keep being a coward, don't bother coming along."

With that the four of them ran off, leaving Meldy and I behind. 

I sat on the ground for a moment, their words seeping into my mind like acid. I was stunned, but also renewed. Their speech not only gave me a reason to fight, but it also made a need to see Erza grow quickly inside of me. I turned to Meldy, who was picking a flower off the side of the path.

"Why didn't you go with them?" I asked her, wondering why she would stay with a guy like me, after the things I've done today.

"Because I understand you," She replied, not taking her eyes off the flower, "You're kind of stupid in relationships because you've never been in one, it's understandable."

"What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that you think too much," She calmly glanced over at me with a gentle smile, "You complicate things in your head so much that you force yourself into things that you really don't want to do."

I gave her a half smile in return, grateful for her loyalty, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Meldy. Thank you."

She giggled before handing me her roadside flower. It was a daisy, with white petals and a sunny-yellow center. I felt relaxed looking at it, before tucking it into the pocket of my cloak.

Getting up and dusting myself off, I turned to Meldy, "Want a lift?"

"Really?" She stared up at me with round, excited eyes. When I nodded, her face lit up as she lept onto my back, "Fast, fast, fast!"

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