Welcome Back, Reality

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Last a/n for awhile but just wanna say I love you guys so much. I can't believe how quickly things have taken off lately. Seems like just yesterday I hit 300 views. All your follows, votes, comments, and messages along with posts on my page-- Every single one I notice. 

I can't thank you enough, it's been a crazy ride so far.

I won't take away from the story anymore, but I just needed to tell you guys that you're INCREDIBLY appreciated. You all make me smile so much. 

With love


Jellal's P.O.V

My eyes weakly blinked open, squinting at the light they were presented with.

Three figures were standing over me, looking at me with overwhelming happiness in their faces.

"'Bout time you woke up, I was beginning to think you were gettin' lazy," Natsu grinned, playfully punching me in the arm. I winced when he did so, as pain fluttered through me in every direction.

"Careful, you moron! Dude just went through intensive surgery, you can't go hittin' him already!" Gray said, shoving Natsu away slightly.

"Who you callin' moron, moron? Surgery-Murgery, Jellal's strong enough to take a baby tap like that!" Natsu quickly retorted, wasting no time getting in Gray's face.

"You're really gettin' on my last nerve, y'know that?" Gray growled, tensing up.

"Oh, am I? I'm so sorry," Natsu spat, his hands becoming embodied with flames, "Mrs.Frosty!"

"You're askin' for it," Gray irritatedly replied. 

They continued to bicker back and fourth as Lucy scurried closer me, in attempt to get out of their way.

"Man, I really hope Erza wakes up soon because I don't know how much longer I can last around these two!" She told me, looking mortified.

"Eh--?" I tried to ask where Erza was, but only a strangled whisper emerged. My throat was dry and painful; after all, I hadn't used it in... How long?

"Oh, my bad!" Lucy said, turning away to face the nightstand on the right of me. I could barely move my head, or anything for that matter. 

I watched from the corner of my eye as Lucy picked up a water bottle and unscrewed the cap, "Here, open wide!"

I reluctantly did as she asked, swallowing in heavy gulps. I felt like a toddler: practically being spoon fed like this.

As I drank, I realized I never knew I could enjoy water this much.

"Better?" She smiled generously.

I gave a subtle nod the best I could, managing to convey the message of 'Yes' quite obviously.

She gave me a cheerful glance before turning back to the nightstand and opening the first drawer in her reach. She rummaged through it a bit, before continuing onto the next one. I watched her curiously, trying to deduce in my head what she was searching for.

After some time, her hand emerged holding a pad of paper and a pen with the hospital's name on it. She placed them on my stomach, and stepped back to give me time to write and think.

I picked up the pencil shakily, its point desperately trying to stay still. I couldn't look too far down, about a fourth of my vision blinded from me near the lower half. This is why I had to hold the pencil upwards and in sight, as I felt around my torso for the notepad.

Finding Forgiveness {Jerza}Where stories live. Discover now