I Remember You

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[A/N- Really long chapter! Sorry if it's scary long D: Comment if you think I should split it up! Or if doesn't matter.. I'm really anxious about stupid stuff like this :( ]

Erza's P.O.V

The picture had three people in it. Three very happy people. A father, a mother, and their son. Jellal. He must've been five or six in this picture. He smiled brightly holding a fishing pole in one hand, and a fish he caught with it dangling from the line in the other. 

His father who stood behind him had one hand on Jellal's shoulder, and the other around his mother who was standing next to him. I'd never seen Jellal's parents before in my life. Or so I thought. Bits and pieces of my memory remembered his mother's face, but I couldn't put my finger on where I remembered her from.

There was no doubt about it, this must've been Jellal's family's lake house. He grew up here, he has memories inside these walls. And he's kept it all these years... Even through his darkness and his possession... He never let go of his past. 

He never let go of his family, or the person he was before the tower of heaven. He could've destroyed this place in a heartbeat if he wanted. But he didn't. He was never completely dark inside. There's always been light inside of Jellal Fernandes, no matter how dim it appeared at times. That thought made me smile.

I stared at his mother's face, thinking about who she was. How could I forget a face? The more I looked at her, the more I saw Jellal. He took after his mother, with the same silky blue hair and warming smile. However, Jellal got his dad's kindhearted eyes and the birthmark that came with them. They were the perfect family. Maybe the similarity between Jellal and his mother is stirring up false memories in my mind. That's probably it. 

I set down the photo in it's rightful place and looked around again. It really is dusty in here. I should try and clean it up the best I can before Jellal gets back with Meldy. Hopefully, that'll put a smile on his face.

"Requipt!" I said, changing into a maid's outfit with a feather duster. Looking up, I saw that the cottage had a loft. In the second story, there was a railing. And behind it, was a carpeted flooring separating two rooms across from each other. On the lower level in front of me, there were two doors before a hallway that lead to several more doors.

The first door I went through led into a bedroom that had pictures of our galaxy and the night sky all over the walls. On the ceiling, was a half finished painted mural of the same exact sky. There were splotches of nebulas and cosmos, and thousands of dots representing white glistening stars.

As much as I wanted to, I didn't have time to investigate. I have to hurry up and clean before Jellal gets back. I proceeded to open all of the windows and doors of the place, then looked down at my feather duster. This was going to go nowhere if I used this small of a tool.

"Requipt!" I called as the duster was replaced with a heavy duty leaf blower that slung around my shoulders. I quickly turned it on and started blowing away what seemed like decades of dust. The dust made its way into the air and then out the ajar windows and doors of the place. I ran around the house, making sure not to miss a spot. I was just finishing up the second level as I heard Jellal land on the grass outside. "Requipt!" I said as the leaf blower disappeared and was replaced with the feather duster. 

Much more attractive.

"Wow! That's a lot of dust!" Jellal said as he came closer to the cottage. He must've seen it all on the grass outside of the openings in the house.

 I made my way down the stairs and towards the main entrance of the home as Jellal and Meredy came through the open door.

"Somebody's been doing a lot of cleaning, Thanks so much!" Jellal exclaimed before rushing forward to give me a hug.

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