The Beginning of Something Better

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Jellal's P.O.V

Erza Scarlet. We meet again.

It appears the sun was too harsh on her skin, as it was turning a shade of pink. Would it be wrong of me to find it... Attractive? Cute, more or less. I have to stop spacing out, there's a serious disturbance in the magic world we need to attend to with as much haste as possible. I made sure my face remained cool and collected as my thoughts ran rampant.

"What do you need my help with?" She asked in a curious manner. Her head tilted slightly, and I watched as her eyes drifted around my appearance, looking for any give away at how I felt. I kept my eyes on hers, however, as I explained our mission.

"As you know, Crime Sorciere has a sole purpose of disposing of dark guilds. Usually, we have no problem with completing a task given to us. However, there is an enemy rising to power that has strength we have yet to defeat. I believe with your help, we'll finally be able to put an end to their deeds." I explained.

"A job? Why didn't you ask one of the other's at Fairy Tail to assist you?" She asked intently. Did she truly not know the answer to her own question? Not to mention, I'm sure no one in this guild but Erza has forgiven me for what I've done. And rightfully so. I've damaged more than a few lives, and broken more than a few hearts. One of those hearts stands beating in front of me now. I'll never begin to comprehend the amount of strength she must possess to even look me in the eye. 

"Yea, I'd never pass up an opportunity to kick some butt!" Natsu remarked with a smirk as flames began to dance around his raised fist.

"A dark guild? Natsu's right, I can't imagine anyone in Fairy Tail unwilling to jump on that kind of job," Lucy said as she put a finger to her chin.

"I didn't ask anyone else because I didn't think anyone else would be able to form a stronger team with Meredy and I," I said aloud, looking away. It's true in more than one way, I suppose. I looked down at the ground before my mind stretched any further than that.

Will she join us? I have to admit I'm getting a bit... Nervous? These unsettling emotions crossed my mind as I brushed my hair out of my face. As I did so, I noticed my forehead had the ideal heat to it as if I was running a fever. I must've caught something along the way. I sighed as I waited on Erza's impending response.

"Natsu, I'm leaving you in charge of bringing my things home safely," She started.

"Wait, what? I wanna come!" Natsu begged as his brows furrowed objectively.

"You heard Jellal, now please take care of my things. And tell the Master I've decided to take this job," Erza stated while handing Natsu the handle to her awkwardly large luggage wagon.

She does love the theater, doesn't she? Ah, yes. I remember the plays we used to construct as kids in the tower of heaven. Erza always demanded to be one of the lead roles. Not because she thought she was talented, but because she enjoyed making the other kids laugh and smile. She always had terrible stage fright she would try to hide as she improvised her shaky lines. Although, by looking at her feeble, tremoring legs, every kid watching knew she was afraid. But they saw how hard she tried to make it work, and they pretended not to notice. The kids always requested a story about a princess and a prince who would save her from a violent villain. Erza would always play the damsel in distress and I... I would always be the one to save her. The noble knight of everyone's dreams. A man I could wish to become. Now look at me.

"Ugh, fine, but don't say I never did anything for you!" He reluctantly agreed, interrupting my remembrance with a joking smile as took hold of her things.

So she's decided to join us? I looked down as I felt heat rush to the hot spell that had already consumed my nature

Why does this keep happening? I'm making a fool of myself.

Natsu began to walk with the luggage as Lucy followed close behind, and Happy hovered in the sky above.

"And Natsu," Erza called. Natsu gave his attention once again with a turn, "Don't drop Gray."

Suddenly Natsu gave a devilish smirk. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity of what he might do. Certainly he wouldn't be as idiotic as to directly disobey an order from Erza just to cause disruption to his friendly rivalry. In that case, Lucy would be appointed the author of his obituary.

Suddenly, Natsu took off down the rocky path that led into Magnolia, hitting every bump he possibly could. I saw Gray, who had been sleeping a moment ago, now struggling to hang on as he shouted insults at Natsu. Did this kid have a death wish?

"Hey Flame-Brain! Slow down, will ya!? Or am I gonna have to come down there and beat the snot out of you first!" Gray shouted over the maniacal laughter of Natsu.

"Hey, wait up you two!" Lucy called as she ran after that maniac.

"Maybe you should watch your diet Lucy, you're running soooo slow!" Happy taunted happily.

"SHUT IT, CAT!" Lucy shouted, shaking a fist at the mannerless exceed.

I looked over at Erza who seemed to be desperately regretting her decision. A gloom poured over her as she tried her hardest not to chase after them and tear Natsu apart. Her fists clenched tightly, " I'm going to kill that pink-haired idiot once and for all!" She muttered harshly through gritted teeth. I assume she felt my eyes on her, causing her to let out an angsty sigh. She wrapped one arm around her waist and used the other to place a palm on her forehead.

I witnessed her scarlet hair blow gently in the breeze, and a calm sensation suddenly filled me.

"So shall we start heading in the right direction?" Meredy chimed in with a smile. I had completely forgotten she was standing next to me somehow. Erza, looked up and immediately let go of the negative impression Natsu had left on her.

"Of course, right away. And let's get something to eat along the way, all this annoyance has stirred up an appetite!" Erza announced with a small laugh.

The three of us began walking down the path, side by side. I couldn't help but look over at Erza more than a few times. It had been awhile since I last saw her, and she appeared just as graceful as before.

Her smile reappeared as she looked at the ground, before turning to meet my gaze.

"So are you going to say something, or just keep looking at me?" She asked earnestly.

"Oh- uh-," I quickly looked away as I felt the heat in my face again. Why has illness struck me now, right on time to mortify me? "So, uh, where do you want to stop and eat?" I queried. That sounded awful, even to my own ears.

"There's a great place in the next town that serves great food. I think you'll both find it quite appealing," She replied, removing her eyes from me to watch the path ahead. The three of us watched when the sky faded in colors of red and orange, the sun sinking below the horizon. The nightly summer sound of cicadas and crickets filled the air as the sun said it's goodbyes to the town of Magnolia.


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