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Hey guys! 

It's been a minute, huh?


Since I posted in June of this year that I'd be sending copies of a drafted ending for this story through messages, I've received a SURGE of messages requesting it, as well as details about certain parts of the story.

That was INSANE to me. 

You guys actually like what I write? Crazy. Mind-boggling. Absolutely mad.

Either way, I'm going to post what I've been sending in my messages, and hopefully this will be more easily received than through me. Sorry to the people who had to wait months for me to respond. College is actually killing me. :-)

If you have ANY questions, feel free to message me on my new account, I promise I'll try and respond as soon as I possibly can. 

Before I end this last author's note, I'd just like to say thank you.

I'm certain you've read a million authors notes that say that,

but from the bottom of my heart,

thank you.

I was just an awkward fifteen year old dork when I started this story. 

My grammar was a joke, my vocab was a mess, and my sentence structure--

y i k e s.

But you guys still read it. And you still vote, and comment, and re-read, and message me cute little things that make me smile.

I only wrote the stuff down, you guys added value to it.

I'm now eighteen years old, writing this. I'm in college, on my way to getting a nursing degree while on the pre-med track. Isn't that mad? 

Anyways, thank you for really bringing this story to life. Through the reading, through the comments, through the fandom. You guys are the best, honestly.

If you wanna keep in touch and read some more from me, follow my new account! @Limerencing

I won't advertise it anymore, promise! 

Without further a-do, here's the drafted ending. 

Much Love,



Erza was left in critical condition after the fight with Asmodai. Tick, stepping up, would be nowhere near powerful enough to hold back Asmodai. This lead to him collapsing, and Erza pulling herself back into play. Asmodai and Erza being their match, and Erza tries out multiple armors, eventually leading to her using fire-empress armor. She forces out a massive fire spell, similar in strength to one of Natsu's attack. Unfortunately, Asmodai absorbs the attack entirely. She continues to beat Erza, over and over again, but Erza keeps throwing different spells at Asmodai. In order to avoid being injured, Asmodai keeps absorbing the attacks. Soon, Erza is running low on magic energy. Asmodai realizes her body is shaking, and she begins to heat up and glow like a lantern. When this happens, Erza knows she's close to absorbing too much magic. When that happens, Asmodai's absorption magic becomes self-destructive. Erza knows that she needs to sum up one more huge spell in hopes to cause the magic to detonate, but realizes shes almost out of magic energy. Just then, Jellal makes it into the guild hall. He sneaks among the debris as Erza and Asmodai go head to head one more time. Just when Erza seems defeated, as she exhausted nearly the last of her magic energy on a large spell that didn't possess enough boost to top off Asmodai, Asmodai strikes Erza with a MASSIVE attack that sends her body slamming to the other side of the guild hall. Jellal manages to catch Erza and comfort her fall with himself. Erza is nearly unconscious, but her whispers to her, "trust me". Together, they link hands and look in each others eyes for support. They smile, and through all the difficulties they had in the past, they fully give in to one another. They begin the combined spell. Using both their magic, they successfully send a colossal, incredible amount of magic energy into one, combined, beautiful spell that Asmodai has to either absorb and possibly die, or take head on and definitely die.She chooses to absorb the hit, but it's too much for her body to handle. In a moment of grace, she falls to the floor, human and empty and gone. Suddenly, an immense surge of magic energy bursts from her and the surges throughout the room. Tick is restored, as well as his magic ability. Erza is restored as well. Jellal holds her face in his hands, smiling proudly at her. "We did it, Erza. We really did it." They smile at each other before kissing and hugging one another. Tick grumbles at them to get a room. The rest of Fairy Tail arrives with Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Happy. The master laughs at the lack of back-up involved in the case, and Erza apologizes. The Fairy Tail, as a guild, rounds up any members of Asmodai's guild and offers them a new home at Fairy Tail. The very last chapter of the novel explains Asmodai and Akemi's past.Asmodai and Akemi were twin sister's raised in an overly religious, abusive household. Asmodai was frequently the more dominant twin, far more aggressive and protective. The two sisters grew up clinging to one another, suffering day after day. Both sisters went to the same school as Tick, who's real name is Oliver Thompson. Akemi had a crush on him and they began dating. Things were going good and well until their parents found out. Akemi was beaten so badly she was taken to a hospital for her injuries. Doctors were suspicious but the parents told them that she was mugged on her way back from school. The doctors then found that Akemi had a brain tumor. The tumor spread over the following months and the parents were never there for here, Asmodai was always the one at the hospital, keeping her sister company even as she started to lose her memory. Asmodai had to watch her sister forget who she was, and eventually she witnessed her die. Asmodai's parents lashed out and blamed Akemi's death on Asmodai, and out of the agony of losing her sister, Asmodai's magic energy finally burst forth. Stronger than ever before, Asmodai tossed her parents aside and swore to avenge her sister's death by making the world pay. She, made to believe she was pathetic and weak, rose up to become one of the most powerful sorcerers. Asmodai posed as Akemi to gain leverage with Lahar, but she genuinely caught feelings for him. She mislead the magic council in order to stay a few steps ahead as she rose up in strength. Additionally, Asmodai burned Oliver's (Tick) house to the ground, killing his parents and younger brother, in order to recruit him for her guild. With his memory wiped, Oliver had no idea, but he stood as a reminder of Akemi for Asmodai.I was thinking about adding in one more additional Chapter that flashes forward a couple years into Erza and Jellal dating, and writing a scene in which Jellal romantically proposes to Erza.

I was uncertain about writing that in, but I might've. :)

~The End~

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