Mistake After Mistake

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Jellal's P.O.V

I ran fast- faster than you could believe. My cloak rippled through the air behind me as I dashed towards my senses. It was no coincidence I had that nightmare a few nights ago. That was her doing. Somehow, she concealed her dark aura and went as far as to play with me while I was unconscious. 

She'll pay for making me watch Erza die.

She'll pay for even thinking about taking Erza away from me.

'5...' A voice rang in my head. Who's that? How are they using telepathy?  

I ran faster, my anger fueling me and propelling me forward.

'4...' The voice sang again.

Could it be Asmodai? 


It sounded like a little girl's voice. Not a five-year-old, but maybe a 13 or 14 year old.


My heartbeat flew rapidly as my feet hit the ground, I skidded to a halt at the entrance of a dark, dirty, street ally. Distraught trash and dampened papers lay across the ground, making it all the more filthy. The setting hardly mattered. 

Asmodai deserved to get beaten into the garbage. 

No one takes Erza from me. 

A short, small, dark, hooded cloaked figure stood at the very end of the ally, facing a wall. Their arms were crossed high up against the wall, their head burrowed against them. The cloak could've been black or some other dark color, and it trailed all the way down to the ground; leaving little to the imagination of who could possibly be wearing it.

"Hey, Kiddo," The voice from my head now said aloud. Her arms fell slowly, and the figure stood up straight. The sound of water droplets against metal pipes became coherent now, the silence between us amplifying it. "I thought you'd..."

She turned slowly and tiredly, almost as if to build up suspense. She did have a thing for drama, didn't she?

"...Never," She spoke, her head tilting with a menacing grin, "...Come."

"Asmodai," I said bluntly, my anger beginning to boil within me.

"Jellal Fernandes," She paced forward cautiously, her cloak following her movements, "My sweet, beautiful, innocent," She stood mere inches away from my face, then leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Jellal Fernandes."

It took everything inside of me not to hit her right there.

Which is why when everything inside of me was gone, I had no reason left to hold back.

"SEMA!" I shouted while taking a step back, thrusting two casting fingers to the floor. An orange mass formed in the sky, stirred by streaks of blue lightening. Asmodai looked up at sky and smiled. "So pretty..." She murmured. 

The fiery magic released itself from the atmosphere's hold and fell towards the earth, headed straight for Asmodai. Her smile didn't fade in the least bit, even as it came within arms length.

Suddenly, the attack stopped. Sema froze in mid-air, suspended in time, not even a centimeter away from Asmodai's face. 

"What... What did you do?" I asked in complete disbelief. Sema's never failed me. No one's ever stopped Sema at it's true power capacity. Yet here it was, completely useless. Hanging like a baby make-shift sun in the air.

"Oh, just you wait, sweetheart," She said, raising a finger towards it. She opened her mouth and pointed the same finger at it. As if conducting it, Sema's power streamed into her like a river on fire.

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