Psychology & Apology

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Lahar's P.O.V

I sighed and looked at the sun above as it began to sink into the awaiting horizon.

We'd spent the last two hours in this town, wasting time, asking questions, and getting undoubtedly nowhere. Without any serious disruptions, we'd be on our way back in the next few minutes. 


I turned to face the voice calling me, to see a fellow comrade waving a paper as he approached.

"Yes?" I replied coolly.

"I finished getting the reports from the citizens. Shall we go back now, sir?" He asked, bowing his head out of respect. 

"No need for such formalities," I said, referring to his actions, "And yes, we'll be leaving shortly. Inform the rest of the soldiers and return to your vehicles or march order."

"Immediately. My apologies, sir." He said with a nod before running off to spread the word. 

It looks like I'll be getting back on time, then. I smiled, watching the pink clouds roll over the illuminated sky overhead. It may be childish or immature for a man like me, but I can't help thinking about her. The beautiful woman I've been seeing for nearly two months now. Akemi. 

It was a coincidence, how we met. After a long day at work dealing with the aftermath of a dark guild's terrorism, I was heading to a bar. I was angry and upset that the magic council hadn't been able to catch any members or even follow any clues they left behind. 

They burnt a whole village to the ground, and didn't leave a single hint behind.

I had been so caught up in my thoughts, that I wasn't watching what was in front of me. All of a sudden, I ran into someone outside of the bar doors. We both stumbled and fell to the ground, papers she'd been holding were now cast across the sidewalk like street art. I remember shaking my head and looking over at who had fallen with me. We met eyes and stood still for a moment before I stumbled out an apology and began picking up her things for her. 

They were beautiful illustrations of luscious green scenery. She assured me it was fine, and she thanked me for gathering her things. I complimented her artwork, and told her about a friend of mine who draws people's portraits all the time. To that, she ran her fingers through her hair and admitted she doesn't like painting people, because they interfere with the beauty of nature. 

What an interesting viewpoint, and what an interesting quirk.

I offered her a drink as an apology for tripping her, and she agreed. That was the night we met, and I'm glad we did. 

She makes me happy. 

She's the only person I know who acknowledges I'm the Head Captain of the Custody Enforcement Unit and still treats me like a normal person. I admire that. It's nice to not be referred to as 'Captain' every now and then.

"Captain! The vehicles are ready. Are you ready to depart, sir?" 

I sighed.


________________ Time Skip________________

 I stood outside her apartment door, debating if my tie looked stupid or not.

Red? Who wears red? Is red even a male color? Why did I wear this?

My mind was thinking faster than I could comprehend. Was she getting to be so important to me that I've begun getting nervous around her over irrational things?

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