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Tick's P.O.V

"They're alive?"

The guild was so silent, you'd be able to hear a pin drop. Asmodai's voice had a rougher quality to it, one that was agitated and angry.

"Tick, you didn't finish off Erza Scarlet like you were told?"

Her voice teetered towards me, as I knelled before her with my eyes plastered on the ground. She sat in the far back of our guild hall, on a throne plaited in gold. Like a queen amongst us, she ruled with an iron, unforgivable fist.

"I'm sor-" I whispered but was cut off by the sound of her heels clicking harshly against the ground as she stood.

"Enough!" She scolded, "When will you understand them?"

Click, Click, Click

Her heels slowly strided towards me. Menacingly. Hauntingly.

I said nothing.

Click, Click

"Do you get it, darling?" She asked soothingly as I felt her run her fingers through my hair. I shivered at her touch, "Don't you understand that the members of that 'Fairy' guild fight based off of their emotions? And when you beat them silly and leave them alive, they'll be a tad bit upset. Sweetheart, they're going to train harder and get stronger quick to make sure they beat us,"

She turned her back to me, however, didn't move from her position.

I didn't dare move a muscle.

"Of course they won't, though," She continued, "They could never beat us. But they're going to be hard little ones to stop now. And we don't have time for 'hard' things at the moment; do you remember why that is, at least?"

I whispered, barely coherently, "Because the plan-"

"THE PLAN IS IN ACTION!" She screamed, swiveling on her heels to face me once again.

What a brat, screaming her head off about something like this.

I kept my head down and didn't let her see my expression. Not that it had changed at all from it's emotionless, empty usual; but because I wanted her to think I was afraid. She tends to be in a better mood when she makes others feel afraid.

"Are you scared?" She cooed to me softly, bending down to look at me in the face.

Is she absolutely mad? What an idiot.

"N-No. The Damned are never scared." I replied weakly, hoping she'd believe me. My accent made my voice sound higher pitched- more like a boy than a man at times. It helped me in this situation.

And just like that, with a swift motion, her hand was swung swiftly in one precise action.

She smacked me straight across the face, in front of our entire guild.

My head quickly snapped in the direction of the blow, as I instantly felt the heat rising to my cheek.

"Don't ever use our name when defending your weakness. What are you, a child?" She spat, getting up and promenading her way back to her throne.

I pressed my finger tips to the burning sensation on my face, only to be met with a sharp sting.

"Forgive me, Queen," I said lightly, silencing my internal emotions.

If you were even one tenth weaker, I'd beat the attitude out of that twisted little face of-

"Save it, Tick," She motioned to my guildmates, who idly stood around watching the scene, "Take him to the darkness. Let him think upon the inconveniences he's created for our guild."

Finding Forgiveness {Jerza}Where stories live. Discover now