The Comeback

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Erza's P.O.V.

"Eleven days, twelve hours," I mumbled to myself, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

"I'm glad we got here only a couple days after the rest of Team Natsu, it's good to be all together again!" Wendy proclaimed happily.

"You mustn't overexert yourself, child. Be more careful with who you do and do not heal," Carla complained, crossing her arms as if she were Wendy's mother.

I guess she was, in a way.

"Aw, come'on now Carla, look at how much better Jellal and Meredy are!" Wendy plead, kneeling down to reason with her.

The stubborn exceed just made a small 'hmph' in reply.

"Speakin' of which, where is that guy?" Natsu asked, looking around the hospital exit.

"Wasn't he right behind us? I thought he just had to sign something and leave," Lucy agreed, watching the doors expectantly.

"I thought he was too, Jelly-kun shouldn't be so slow," Meldy said, placing a finger on her chin.

"You're both right," I responded, tearing my gaze from the bright blue sky.

"What a lazy bum!" Happy teased. 

We all began to walk back towards the hospital, when the automatic doors slid open.

We all froze.

Jellal looked mortified.

Natsu and Happy simultaneously covered their mouths, preventing any noise from escaping.

"I love it!" Meldy cheered, clapping her hands together.

"J-Jellal," I stuttered, trying my best not to show any expression.

A male nurse, twice Jellal's size, was rolling him out of the hospital in a pink wheelchair covered in rainbow unicorn stickers. 

"I bet ya feel like a little princess, don't cha'?" The nurse asked in a somewhat polite way.

When he said that, Natsu and Happy lost it. They fell to the ground in hysterical laughter with tears already forming from their eyes. Even Gray and Wendy joined in, laughing alongside them. 

Lucy just covered a grin with her hands, trying not to look like she was dying on the inside.

"Sorry ta make ya look bad in front of ya friends, but it's a hospital policy that patients recoverin' from surgery be wheeled out of their room to the parking lot. Ya' already made it to the lobby before I could gettcha', though," The nurse continued.

Jellal went limp and if you looked close enough, I'm sure you could see his soul leaving his body from how embarrassed he was.

"E-Eh-hem" I coughed awkwardly, trying not to laugh, "Why... Why is he in a-- a-- p-pink wh-wheelch-chair?"

I couldn't help it anymore, I fell to the ground and began laughing with the boys and Wendy.

"It's because it was the only one left- The first floor is the children's ward, where I work,  y'see..." He trailed off, realizing no one was really listening anymore.

Jellal's jell-o-like body slumped forward and fell to the pavement, defeated.

Seeing this, the nurse pulled out glitter from his pocket and doused Jellal in it before dramatically enunciating, "My magical fairy dust makes everythin' better!"

"FAIRY DUST!?!!??" Gray screamed, still dying.

"Why is everyone laughing? I think it suits Jelly-kun perfectly!" Meldy chimed, slightly confused.

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