Where Are We?

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Thank you SO much for 1K. I love you all very, very much. <.3

For those of you who vote- just know you make me smile ear to ear. Thank you so much for your support.

Special thanks to the following (yes, I notice. I love you babes.): Princessserena13 Etherious_Natsu_ 

 Jerza101504 Erzascarlettz

Let's get into the story, shall we?

I'm sorry we haven't touched on Lahar in awhile! Things just got busy with Erza, Jellal and Meredy, y'know? ;-;

Sorry ;) 


Lahar's P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of something slamming shut.

I shot up in bed, fully aware within seconds; just as I was trained. 

I looked around the room curiously, to find an empty bed and no sign of where Akemi went off to.

"Akemi?" I called, pushing myself up off the mattress. I paced around the room, looking for any clues.

My foot hit something soft and lightweight to the touch, which made me take a step backwards. On closer examination, it happened to be Akmemi's pajamas. 

A sound came from the bathroom, causing my attention to shoot in it's direction. 

A light flicked on in the room, illuminating the crevice under the door mysteriously. 

I shuffled away from the brightness, to make my way to my dresser. I pulled open a drawer and pushed aside some clothes. Lifting up the wooden bottom, I grabbed a magic dagger I always kept hidden. Just in case.

I anxiously made my way to the bathroom door, and pressed my ear against it's exterior. 

The faucet turned on and water splashed into the sink. I heard someone washing their hands, and then the sound of their voice.

They were humming.

Not a happy sort of humming. The creepy kind you normally hear in the movies.

What song was this? It sounded... Familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time.

I reached for the doorknob, knowing they were distracted. If I could get whoever is was off guard, I could settle this quickly and easily. I'm sure whoever this intruder was, they'd know something about Akemis whereabouts. They had to be connected.

My fingers graced the metal, ready to turn it and blow into a full-on confrontation. 

Until I heard the faucet stop.

There was a pause, before I heard them undressing.

What in the hell?

I heard heavy materials fall to the floor, including something metal. Was that a weapon?

There's no time to waste anymore, clothed or not it's time to face whoever's inside my bathroom.

I twisted the knob, and pushed open the door. It stopped only an inch or two forward, giving me enough space to partially see inside. I saw my bathroom window, open widely to the outside night sky.

I heard a scream, and then a shaky voice presented itself, "W-Who is it?"

A familiar female voice.

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