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Jellal's P.O.V.

Wednesday: 3:21 pm.

It felt like being in the hospital all over again. 

Sitting back helplessly while being forced to watch Erza in this sorry state. If only she hadn't pushed herself so much, she wouldn't have gotten herself into this mess.

Levy hasn't come back yet. She's been gone a full day now.

I sat in a chair next to the bed Erza was sleeping on. She seemed so peaceful in her sleep; like nothing had happened at all in the past few days. It was almost like she was her old self.

That's what I'd like to think, anyways.

A knock sounded from the door, which caused me to jump. I'd been sitting here all day with complete silence, I hadn't thought about what the other's might be doing.

"I-It's open," I awkwardly called out, sitting upright in my seat.

"It's me. I just wanted to tell ya-" Gajeel casually announced as he entered the bedroom, "The hell am I interrupting?"

I turned completely red, "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL!"

"Don't tell me you're one of those creeps who gets off on-"

"SHE'S SLEEPING, GAJEEL!" I shouted defensively, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Gajeel was such a manly person, I almost felt intimidated by him. I don't know how Erza stands up to him so frequently.

Wait- does that mean that Erza is the man in the relationship!?

"Yea, whatever," Gajeel sighed, "I just came to tell ya that Levy said she might be on to something. She's figurin' it out at the moment but she told me to tell ya that she can have the spell reversed by tonight; tomorrow latest."

"W-What?" I stammered, my previous thoughts leaving me as a grin crept on my face, "That's great news!"

"You seem awful happy. What, do ya got feelings for the redhead?" Gajeel smirked teasingly.

Did he... Not know?

Well, if he's new to the group I suppose he might be in the dark a bit; considering all he's done for the past four days is get into fights with Natsu and Gray.

"Yes, actually," I replied with a laugh, running a hand to the back of my neck, "She truly is... More than an amazing woman. Can you blame me?"

"Gihi!" He let out a laugh, "Just don't go all soft on us, got it? If we get in a fight in the future, I want you to throw some damn punches! Not sit on the sidelines all sappy-eyed over Erza,"

He kept laugh even as he admitted, "Hell, I don't think any of us got a shot at Erza. She's got a monster of personality that terrifies the crap outta everyone- She might scare away every man on the planet! So, you're low on competition, buddy,"

I couldn't help but chuckle at the statement, "Of course I'll fight my hardest to protect Fairy Tail. But you are informed that... We're dating, right?"

It was still odd to say, even now for me. Especially after how he just described her.

But also because I was still in awe after all this time that she agreed to be mine; and I'll be the first to admit that I'm incredibly lucky.

"wHAT?" Gajeel's tone changed quickly, "HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME?"

I didn't really know what to say, so I just smiled and continued doing what I was doing:

Staying ten feet away from him while making awkward hand gestures to avoid eye contact.

"THAT PINK HAIRED FREAK DIDN'T BREATHE A DAMN WORD ABOUT THIS," He continued to shout at me before heading towards the door, "I OWE HIM A BEATING FOR THIS CRAP."

The door slammed behind him, but I heard the door next door being barged open.

There was a second of silence before-

"YOU AND LUCY!?" Gajeel screamed, which caused me to raise an eyebrow. 

Had they been...?

"THE HELL IS WITH ALL YOU PEOPLE!?" He scolded them before I heard his boots go down the hall, "GRAY AND I ARE GONNA-"

Faintly, as far down the hall he was now, I head that door smack open as well.

Gajeel shouted incomprehensibly something about how he'd never be able to get a certain image out of his mind thanks to Gray and Juvia.

I laughed and shook my head,  taking my seat next to Erza once again. I grabbed her and and placed a kiss on the back of it, smiling as I pulled away, "You seem to be the glue that holds them all together, Erza. You're the only person I know who can deal with this much chaos,"

I intertwined my fingers with her own, "I'm sure if you were here you'd be scolding Gajeel for being so loud, and Natsu for being so uninformative, and Gray for... Well, I'm not sure we need to talk about what Gray was probably doing,"

I laughed loudly, squeezing her hand delicately, "I miss you," I told her calmly, brushing a strand of her hair with my fingertips, "I miss you, even though it's only been a few hours. What am I going to do until Levy figures it out?"

I sighed, watching her as she slept. I leaned forward and placed my head on the mattress, still keeping an eye on her as I did so.

I suppose I'm a bit clingy... I can't help but miss her.

For three days she was gone, and then when she came back she didn't remember me at all. And for the few minutes that she forced herself to remember, she was only hurting herself more.

Whoever did this to her is going to regret the day they ever laid an eye on Erza Scarlet. I promise her that. 

I swear on my honor, that I will make sure whoever stole Erza's memories gets full repayment of what they've done.

I got up, still holding her hand as I did so. I admired her slender fingers and how they fit between mine almost like they were made to do so. I let go of my anger for the moment, and focused my attention on her. I smiled at her, before deciding to climb into bed with her.

I hugged her into me from behind, wishing she was back to normal already. Although I'll love her no matter what, I miss having long conversations about whatever was on our minds. I miss kissing her and laughing with her over the stupidest things.

I couldn't help but gently laugh at the memory of her bubblegum toothpaste.

What a child she is, carrying something like that around.

It's just another reason why I love her.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, just glad that I could hold her in my arms again.

Then my eyes shot back open. I released my hold on her and backed away a bit to give her room.

If she woke up with her memories still missing and found a stranger cuddling into her, she'll completely freak out. And that's the last thing I want her to do.

I thought for a moment, before recalling an idea that Erza had thought of on her own. 

I turned myself to face away from her, and instead placed my back against hers. Just as I had weeks ago, when we first shared a room. In an innocent, friendly way, I was now allowed to remain close with her. I smiled at the simplicity of it, before I once again let my eyes slowly shut. 

I wonder if she can dream without her memories... And if so, what's on her mind?

Probably strawberry cake.

I chuckled at the idea, before beginning to think of dreams on my own.

Sweet Dreams, Erza.

Finding Forgiveness {Jerza}Where stories live. Discover now