She Smiles

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Jellal's P.O.V

Why did it hurt when she called me 'friend'? Of course I'm her friend. I'm always going to be her friend, no matter what.

She couldn't see but I was more red than I've ever been... I've blushed so many times today, I lost count. I took off my coat and put it on a near by chair.

I was planning on keeping on a shirt and pants, so she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

Oh god.

I looked down and realized there was mud all over my clothes from when Meredy and I tripped when running away from Asmodai yesterday. No way could I bring dirt into bed like that, Erza would (possibly quite literally) kill me.

Oh god.

I went into the bathroom and ran a bath, closing the door behind me. I undressed and washed the dirt off of my clothes. After wringing them out, they still were too damp to wear to bed. I hung them up and stepped back.

Oh god.

I didn't have any other clothes on hand. I was just wearing my boxers.

Oh god.

Looks like I'm going to have to get more comfortable than I would've liked tonight. I reached my arm out of the bathroom to turn off the light before I stepped into the bedroom anxiously.

"Okay, Erza, I'm sorry, There was dirt on my clothes and I couldn't bring that into bed so I washed them. But now they're too wet and I don't want to make the sheets wet, obviously. So I'm sorry, it's impolite of me, and I know how ungentlemanly-"

"Jellal" she faintly interrupted me,

"Yes?" I responded without a second of delay,

"It's fine, let's just get some sleep, okay?"

"Alright..." I swallowed roughly and took a deep breath.

I awkwardly stepped over to the bed, glad she wasn't turning around. I'm definitely not afraid of being in this state around Erza, I've known her nearly my entire life. I was apprehensively trying to avoid being indecent, however the odds were not in my favor tonight as I cautiously sat on the bed, looking over my shoulder nervously. In the moonlight coming in through the window, It was hard to tell but I swear Erza was smiling.


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