Modern World 1: Eye of the Hurricane

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NOTE (Please, PLEASE read this): The 'excerpt' of bad writing found within the following chapter was written (with much grinding of teeth) by me, and it is not meant to mock any particular author or story on this website. Any and all resemblance to real persons or stories is entirely coincidental and should be thought of as such. Also, my writing ability should not be judged by the aforementioned excerpt, as all mistakes were intentionally made by yours truly. It's just what I personally hate in a Wattpad story.


Eye of the Hurricane

"I love you, my dear, fair Prince Andrew," Amora Lestina Hathway whispered, violet orbs filing with tears. "But... I don't know if you love me. You abandoned me for Angelica. I know she's you're sister, but..."

Andrew swept the emotionally fragille, physically mighty, longhaired beauty into his arms. "You are the only one for me!" He exclaimed, crimson hues bright with love. "Angelica means nothing to me!"

She sniffed against his strong manly shoulder. "Even though I'm halfdemon halfhuman werewolf with a vampire for a grandmother?" She asked tearrfully.

"Yes." He sollemnly intoned, wiping her bangs (deep raven black with blood red highlights) out of her bright blue and purple and green rainstorm-colored eyes. "I would give up my life for you. You are beautifull and strong and I will protect you the way you're dead parents never could. You have had such a tragic life. Let me be your night in shinning armor, Amora Lestina Hathway."

"Oh, yes." She cried, and with a giggle she added "Not that I need protecting. I'm the ruler of the fairy world now! Be my king!"

And with a smile the fairy prince kissed her because he had never met anyone as perfect as Amora before and it goes without saying that they lived happily ever after.

The End.

Two blank eyes stared at the end line in total disbelief.

Then those eyes blinked, and the lanky young man they belonged to let out a snort of disgust.

"Seriously?" he grumbled, staring at his computer screen in genuine irritation. "That's it? Is this a joke?"

Anyone could have asked the same question about him, since he was lying sprawled across a bright pink comforter with rainbow unicorns plastered all over it, and beside him, an extremely pale girl with long white hair looked up from a thick book, skinny legs waving in the air. Noticing his frustration, she sat up and peered over his shoulder to see his computer screen and her peculiar pale pink irises skimmed over the text. After a momemt she grinned and smacked his shoulder.

"Be nice, Xaphy," she sighed, flopping back down on her bed. "It's cute!"

He gave her a sour look.

After picking his way through an author's note that was longer than the story's final chapter and swimming through the typical 'thank you's, ZOMGs, and review responses, the sixteen-year-old felt his temples beginning to pound.

How the hell do people write this swill, let alone have the balls to put it on the internet? he wondered, angrily opening the review box. This isn't cute, this is... just, wrong! This isn't even a story! Even the worst anime in existence has a better plot than this.

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