Chapter 125: Through The Looking Glass

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five: Through The Looking Glass

Getting back on the road was difficult to do, even after Sinmir and Xaphile returned to camp. Everyone had to wait until their injuries had been tended to, and it took more than thirty minutes for them to regain themselves after being subjected to the horrors of the barrier.

By the time they finally mounted their horses again, three full hours had passed by, and once they were back on the road, falling into line like before, Xaphile glanced at Amelia to see her digging through her bag. She was muttering under her breath in a rather irritated manner.

Curious and slightly concerned, he used his reins to move Skitsy a little closer to her.

"Everything all right?" he asked. "You didn't leave anything behind, did you?"

"I'm fine," she said, giving him a quick look. "I'm just trying to get my mirror out. It's caught beneath my father's staff and a few books, and because this is a magic bag, it's a bit difficult to just reach inside and snag something."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? Your pack holds that much stuff?"

"Phil," Amelia giggled, giving him a softer look, "I could fit inside this bag if I wanted to, even with all of the supplies I packed. All I'd have to do is dive inside."

His eyes widened in shock.

"Seriously?" he asked. "How many people could fit in there, do you think?"

"Three, possibly," she said, looking confused. "Although, that's just a guess since nobody has ever really tried to put themselves inside of a magic traveling bag. It would defeat the purpose unless you expected someone to carry you around with them."

"Why not?" Vrael asked, peering over her shoulder in childish awe. "It sounds rather fun! With a bag like that, you could carry people around like it was nothing and nobody would ever know! Windal and Faeble both would love a thing like that, trust me."

Amelia paused, blinking as she thought about it.

Then she froze, eyes growing wide.

"We might just be onto something!" she breathed, breaking into a wide grin; she instantly whirled and looked forward. "ELLA! I was just given an ingenious idea for how we can start looking for Adariel!"

"Eh?! What is it?" Ella called back, reining her steed in until she was slightly closer.

"My father's bag!" she gushed, lifting it high. "Once we know where to start looking for people in the slave trade, we'll need to look the part, right?!"

"That is correct," Ella called, glancing over her shoulder. "I was worrying about that myself. How do you suggest we go about doing this? What's your idea?"

"We can use my father's bag to act like thieves and smugglers," Amelia explained, then looked around at their group with a frown. "It'll be slightly dangerous, though. We'll need to put at least two people in the bag itself with their hands tied and their mouths bound."

"That's brilliant, lass!" Sinmir scoffed, staring at her in shock.

"Who are you expecting to get answers from the underground, though?" Xaphile asked, making everyone pause. "Vordt and I can't go in the bag. If someone opens it and tries to see what we're worth or whatever, you know how it goes, they could touch our horns and find out what we are."

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