Chapter 101: Resolution

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Chapter One Hundred and One: Resolution

He found Amelia sitting outside of the lodge with her back against the wall, but the moment he stepped into view, she glanced up and instantly flew at him.

He jumped when she clutched his arms.

"Did you find her?!" she whispered urgently. "Is she all right? What happened?!"

"Long story," he sighed, then lifted his hand and stroked her hair, which made her stiffen. "Thank you for telling me what was going on. Things would have ended very badly if you hadn't, but there's no longer anything to worry about. I stopped Vordt... and I'm pretty sure I got through to him."

"What? How can you be sure?"

"Well, he apologized for hurting Ella. Which was something I don't think he would do frivolously, considering how prideful he seems to be."

Amelia frowned, then pulled away and folded her arms. 

"Where is she now?" 

Xaphile wordlessly motioned for her to follow him and turned around, trotting back towards where he'd left Ella.

Amelia followed him briskly, even going as far as hefting her skirts up so she could jog after him.

Ella stood up when they came into view, still covering her bare chest.

"Xaphile," she snapped, making his footsteps falter, "avert your eyes!"

He looked away immediately, but didn't slow down; Amelia on the other hand, took one look at her tattered clothes and froze midstep.

"Your dress!" she cried, tearing forward in outrage. "What happened to you?!"

"An unfortunate event that was resolved before any real damage could be done," Ella said simply, letting out a deep sigh. "I am fine."

"No, you're not," Amelia snapped, jerking Ella's hands away from her breasts and looking down at her scalded palms. "I am going to heal you now. Like it or not."

Ella said nothing when a golden glow suffused her hands, but when the light touched her, it was obvious just how relieved she was to have her burns healed. Her eyes fluttered shut and she actually let out a high-pitched groan, skinny shoulders sagging.

"Gods, that feels good," she breathed. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me," Amelia grumbled. "Once I'm finished here, I'm going to grab you another gown. Then we're going to sit down and have a serious talk."

Ella winced, but held her tongue while she was healed.

When Amelia finished, she turned and looked at Xaphile, lifting a finger and waving it.

"Don't move an inch," she warned, then lifted her skirts and trotted off again. "I mean it!"

The two of them watched her vanish from view.

Xaphile was planning on moving away from Ella to make things less awkward, but before he could, an unexpected warmth bloomed directly between his wings. He lifted his arm and glanced down in surprise to find her taking refuge against his body.

"Are you all right now?" he asked, swallowing his anxiety and going back to staring straight ahead. "How are your hands?"

"They have scars," Ella said softly, making him go rigid. "My hands are completely healed, but the wounds inflicted on me have scarred up."

He had to fight the urge to whirl around and snatch her wrists.

The only reason he didn't was because she was half naked and needed her hands to cover it.

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