Chapter 75: Restraint

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Author's note: Sorry about the huge delay with this chapter. I've been going through some unpleasant family stuff here at home, and I haven't had time to write much. This chapter is also shorter than any of the others I've posted, so I'm sorry if that disappoints any of my readers. On a higher note, the next few chapters will update on their regular schedule, and things are going to be taking a veeeryyy interesting turn.


Chapter Seventy-Five: Restraint

His whole body was on fire.

Heat radiated off of his skin in waves as he trudged through the woods, breathing heavily.

His mind felt hazed with desires he wanted nothing to do with, and as he walked, he struggled as hard as he could to suppress them. He didn't like what eating meat could do to him. Didn't like feeling as if he weren't in total control of himself.

He needed to stay away from everyone until this wore off.

"Fuck," he panted, pressing a hand against his sweaty brow. "I can't stand this feeling."

His plan was to find someplace where nobody would find him until the party was over.

Unfortunately, fate once again decided to rear it's ugly head.

Just as he was about to sink down and try to relax, someone actually crashed into him from behind and smashed his face clean into the ground. For a few seconds, he shook his head and tried to figure out why he was suddenly tasting dirt, but then he was pinned down against the ground by his assailant.

A strange smell engulfed his nose, something that fueled the fire within his belly.

Shivering, he fought to move his arms.

"Got you, Darkling," Sarka's voice crooned in a husky tone. "I've decided to dominate you."

"Get off," he hissed, not moving an inch. "Don't touch me."

"Tonight, I'm going to make you mine," she hissed, forcefully rolling him over onto his back with little care for his wings. "We will become one, whether you desire it or not!"

When she lunged onto his stomach and straddled him, pinning his shoulders down, he didn't struggle. Merely looked up at her with no expression at all, even when she caressed his throat and shoulders with tender fingers. Not too far away, a shadow slid out of the darkness and two pale pink eyes became visible.

Sarka purred like a cat as she ran her claws across his face, sliding up into his hair, but then she paused... and slowly began to scowl.

"Why do you not fight back?" she growled, gripping his hair and leaning close. "Resist me!"

"Why?" he questioned, not looking away from her eyes. "If I chose to resist, I would be acknowledging your actions."

"Acknowledge them!" she snarled, baring her fangs. "I will take you this night, darkling!"

He looked at her coldly.

"Try it," he said simply, "and I will hurt you."

"I like it rough," Sarka purred, leaning down close to his face. "Perhaps I should mark your lips."

When she tried to kiss him, he turned his head away, making her stiffen, but he refused to move.

She's threatening to rape me, his mind told him, and this is going too far. If she really does put her hands on me, I'm going to lose it.

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