Chapter 73: The Laugh

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Chapter Seventy-Three The Laugh

Perhaps it was because he'd managed to get some of the stress out of his system.

Perhaps it was because he was already utterly burnt out and exhausted.

For whatever reason, after Ella dragged him back into the house, the moment he flopped down between Vrael and Gus, he somehow fell back asleep. He wasn't expecting to sleep the whole day away, but he did... and the only reason he knew is because he woke up to someone putting salve on his back.

Almost instantly, the sound of voices filled his consciousness, signalling the others were awake.

From what he could hear, Gus, Sinmir, and Vrael were all having a good time.

He didn't open his eyes when he heard a familiar sigh... not even when a cool, gentle hand slid across his skin and drifted along the hollow bones extending from his back. The touch ruffled his new feathers, making him shiver since he could actually feel parts of him that were unfamiliar.

Much like his tail, the sensation of having his wings touched was bizarre.

It was a new feeling that his mind didn't really recognize.

"So beautiful," Amelia murmured, stroking the feathers. "Gus was right... his wings are actually rather gorgeous."

He didn't stir when she continued applying the salve.

"Is he still asleep?" Ella's voice quietly asked. "He hasn't budged since this morning."

"He seems to be resting quite well, yes," Amelia confirmed, and as she spoke, a tender hand smoothed his hair out of his face. "He deserves it after all of the struggle he's been through."

"It's good to see him sleeping like this," Ella admitted. "Those bags beneath his eyes have been growing more and more prominent lately. It's had me fairly worried."

"Sorry," Xaphile sleepily mumbled. "I'll try to sleep more from now now."

His unexpected statement made both girls jump.

"Phil!" Amelia squeaked, looking totally flustered. "Y-you're awake?!"

Heaving his tired eyes open, he shifted his half-lidded gaze and blearily looked at her.

"Kinda," he croaked, yawning widely and revealing his sharp teeth. "I'll be out like a light again soon, though... I'm still super tired."

"Oaf," Ella grunted, folding her arms with a scowl. "You should have told us if you were awake."

He merely blinked at her with a groggy face, still feeling oddly tired for some reason.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, barely able to keep his eyes open. "I didn't want... to be..."

He couldn't even finish the sentence: he was purely exhausted.

He was pretty sure both girls could see it, too, because Ella merely sighed and stood up.

"Try to get some sleep," she instructed, pattering over to the door. "Even if it means you have to sleep clean on through supper, do it until you've gotten the rest you need. I'll make sure you have food once you do wake up."

"Thank you," he mumbled.

"All right," Amelia sighed, making him crack a grumpy, bloodshot teal eye. "I'm putting some salve on your wounds, and I've unwrapped your arms for the time being to nurse them a little, so if it hurts, say something. I know you're sleepy, but it absolutely cannot wait."

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