Chapter 108: Crossroads

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Note: Hi everyone. This is Aaron's sister. I decided to let everyone know that this chapter was pre-written by him for this upcoming Saturday, but since right now he's actually in the hospital, he asked me to post this for him today since its the only time I can do it. He's going to be fine.


Chapter One Hundred and Eight: Crossroads

Xaphile was on cloud nine by the time the door opened and Sinmir walked back inside.

It must have been a strange sight since the prince stopped dead in his tracks and a disbelieving grin slowly slid across his mouth. Not like anyone could blame him, though. 

Xaphile was hunched forward with his head buried in his hands and his tail wrapped completely around Ella's middle, purring so loudly that the sound of it filled the room. Her small hands were weaving through his hair, plaiting it in a very elaborate fashion.

But even as Sinmir watched, she paused and took a moment to run her fingers across his scalp, which resulted in Xaphile arching his back a little and purring even louder. The sight was probably borderline incredulous, if Sinmir's wide eyes and startled grin was any sign.

"Well now," he murmured, folding his arms. "This is a sight for sore eyes."

Vrael snorted and flipped the page of his book.

"I'll say," he muttered, casting a reserved glance at the two of them. "Next time we need him to do something, I say let's use this method to coerce him."

Xaphile returned his glance with a small scowl, but Ella dragged her nails through his hair again and his eyes snapped shut. His throat visibly vibrated and the purring noise escalated again. It took him a minute of slow breathing for him to squash the sound down enough to talk.

"Vrael," Xaphile dryly muttered, rolling his shoulders, "don't be a douchebag."

"A what?" Vrael asked, raising a brow. "What's a douchebag?"

Ella suddenly snickered a little bit and shook her head.

"From what I remember of his memories, it's a common insult on Earth. It basically means you're being an ass," she supplied, giving him a smug look; when he glared, she childishly stuck her tongue out at him and smirked. "Hope that clarified things."

"Yeah, it did. Douchebag."

Sparks flew from their eyes when they glared, but Sinmir broke their silent bitch fit by letting out a booming belly laugh. Wiping a few tears from his eyes, he looked at them all with a slightly red face and shook his head.

"Not a one of you ever ceases to amuse or amaze me," he admitted. "Even though I admit that it's rather strange to see, feel free to continue."

Ella paused.

"You desire us to continue even though its strange?" she suspiciously inquired. "Really?"

"Well, why not?" he shot back, then gestured at Xaphile, who was still purring, albeit a little more quietly. "He seems to be enjoying whatever it was you were doing with his hair. In fact, he seemed to be in better spirits than I've ever seen. If he's all right with it, go right ahead."

"I'm more curious as to why he's enjoying it so much," Amelia stiffly said. "It's... strange."

Her voice was oddly tight.

Xaphile glanced at her to see that she was more rigid in the shoulders than usual, as if she were high strung or frustrated. Her face was blank, but she was oddly pale and her movements were also a little jerky. When he looked closer, he noticed a light sheen of sweat covering her face. 

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