Chapter 141: The Morning After

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One: The Morning After

The next morning, when Xaphile opened his eyes, it was only because the smell of something delicious permeated the air.

Adariel was still cuddled up against his chest, but Ella was no longer by his side, so he turned his head.

Everyone was waiting to eat breakfast.

Vordt was sitting in a meditative pose away from everyone else, Sinmir, Vrael, and Ella were chatting together at a small wooden table that stood in the corner of their rented room, opposite the door, and then there was Amelia, who was cooking.

Vrael was animated, but Ella and Sinmir both seemed tired in comparison, voices scratchy and low. Xaphile could see the strain and worry in their faces as plain as day. It was in that moment that he realized someone was missing.

Did Gus ever come back? he suddenly wondered. Where'd he go?

Right as he was thinking it, Sinmir noticed he was awake and his worried face calmed.

"Oh, hey, Phil!" he said with a wave. "Good thing you're up! Breakfast is almost ready!"

He gave a nod, then looked down at his little brother, who was still fast asleep.

Raising his hands, he pushed the kid's filthy hair back, then gently stroked his long ears, figuring that they were likely just as ticklish as his own. The child twitched, letting out a small mewl of discontentment, but Xaphile merely chuckled and continued.

He only stopped when Adariel finally opened his eyes and sleepily blinked at everything.

He stared at the people conversing in the room, then his head craned back.

"Big brother?" he asked, voice raspy with sleep. "What's that smell?"

"Breakfast," Xaphile said, tapping his nose with a small smile. "Sorry for waking you up, but you need to start eating and drinking again to get better."

"First," Amelia said, giving them both a stern look, "you two need to get cleaned up. There's a bathhouse not too far away from here, and Sinmir's offered to take both you and Adariel there before you eat breakfast."

His heart was suddenly in his throat and he jerked upright.

Adariel squeaked in surprise and abruptly tightened his arms around his neck.

"I can't cart a naked little boy through a city crawling with people," he growled. "Not to mention, he and I... he and I obviously aren't human. What if someone sees our features?"

"It can't be helped, since he has no clothes of his own yet," Amelia said softly, making him stare in disbelief; her eyes were solemn. "Until I can take his measurements as I did with you and head out into town to see about having some clothes made, he'll have to wear your own."

"Why can't I give him some clothes?" Sinmir asked, raising an eyebrow. "They'd be big enough on him to pass off as ramshackle robes."

"Not a single shirt you own has a cowl," Amelia informed him. "He'd need a way to hide his horns, even with as small as they are... and only Phil has clothing that can do that."

"But, but," Xaphile protested, worried, "what if someone---"


The command halted his words in their tracks and he turned to look at his uncle.

Vordt slowly opened his eyes, then, looking at him directly.

"Both of you are going," he said with a very pert stare. "Adariel especially needs to wash the filth out of his hair and off body, but you really aren't much better off yourself, which is likely why your nose isn't working properly. You both reek terribly."

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