Chapter 60: Decision Gone Wrong

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Chapter Sixty: Decision Gone Wrong

Xaphile knelt in the springs, trying to decide what to do for what felt like hours, but in the end, he came to the conclusion that he simply didn't know. So, he chose to do the only thing he could: he would confront Ella and ask her about her feelings directly

After all, he had never been one for beating around the bush.

Getting to his feet, he got dressed and limped his way back towards the strange structure his companions were likely still sitting in. With his black hair still dripping and his flared black pants damp with water, he trudged into the building and looked around.

When he saw that she wasn't with the others, however, he paused.

Amelia glanced at him just as he frowned.

"Phil, you're soaking wet," she hesitantly noted. "Is something wrong?"

"Where's Ella?" he quietly asked, giving her a firm stare; everyone but Sinmir looked surprised by the question. "I need to discuss something with her."

"She went out a few minutes ago," the blonde man said, pointing at the door he'd just walked through; to his non-nosy credit, he hesitated before asking, "so, did you...?"

"I thought about it," Xaphile allowed, walking past the fire and tugging the other door open. "I've decided to take it seriously. That's why I need to chat with her."

"Good," Sinmir chuckled. "Go."

Before he left, he paused so he could look back. Gus had an eyebrow raised so high it blended in with his hairline, and Amelia... much to his chagrin, she was smiling. She obviously knew what was up, since when their eyes met, her smile widened.

He had to look away.

"Thanks," Xaphile muttered, casting Sinmir a glance. "For everything... particularly the hug."

The man grinned wolfishly and winked at him.

"You're welcome," he chuckled, then made a shooing motion. "Go on; the night's wasting."

"Does anyone want to tell me what's going on?" Gus demanded, just as the door fell shut behind him.

Limping across the ground, bare feet pressing against the loamy soil, he lifted his eyes.

The small island was chilly at night, much like the forests across the water, but the steam from the boiling lake kept him from all but the gentlest of shivers. He didn't see Ella when he first walked out.

Actually, he didn't see her anywhere, even when he walked a dozen yards away from the wooden dome and turned back to look at it.

Next to it was the tall rock the squirrels could glide off of.

He stared up at that rock, squinting at a speck of white that looked a little out of place.

Is that her? he wondered, feeling flabbergasted. She's standing on the rock?

His bad foot stung and throbbed as he walked around the house, around the hot springs, and over to the foot of the giant cliff that uncannily resembled Pride Rock from the Lion King.

He glanced at the uncovered lesions and winced since he hadn't taken the time to dress them properly after his bath. It took him almost fifteen minutes to get there, but he finally reached the base of it.

Sure enough, when he looked up, there she was... sitting at the top with her white gown billowing around. She was staring off at the forest across the lake, knees pulled up to her chin.

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