Chapter 77: Chains

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Chapter Seventy-Seven: Chains

When Ella woke up, it was only because something warm twitched against her back.

She flinched when the twitching motion came again, realizing that something very warm was also resting against her stomach. She blearily lifted her head, blinking stupidly at the early morning sky until something soft tightened around her legs.

She blinked at the trees around her with blurry vision before glancing down.

Xaphile's muscular arm was wrapped around her waist, holding her securely against his body, and his left wing had somehow draped over her like a blanket.

Blinking rapidly, Ella gently lifted herself and peered at her legs. Sometime during the night, he'd wrapped his tail around her ankles, totally ensnaring her.

What happened? she dazedly wondered, trying to wake her brain up. Why are the two of us sleeping outside?

She wondered at it for a few long moments until everything came back with a jolt. Her heart jumped and lucidity popped into her head, waking her up almost instantly. She was just about to pry herself free and wake him when she felt him shiver a little.

His whole body trembled slightly for a moment before falling still.

Confused, Ella twisted herself and awkwardly peered at him.

He was fast asleep, mouth slightly open, eyes closed, but his cheeks were wet, and even as she watched, another silent shiver went through him and a fresh wash of tears slid out from behind his closed eyes.

He was breathing deeply and evenly, and there weren't even any signs that he was having a bad dream, but it bothered her nonetheless.

Crying while awake was one thing.

Crying in his sleep was another.

Carefully lifting his heavy arm and turning over on her other side, Ella gently buried her face against the fur running up chest and closed her eyes, but she realized with an unexpected jolt that he smelled really good, so she pulled back instantly.

She still wanted to do something for him, though, so she looked up at his face and tentatively stroked his hair, but his arm unexpectedly tightened around her middle. She jumped, blinking as he leaned into her touch, long ear flicking.

Ella realized, then, that she felt no discomfort at their close proximity. If anything, the warmth coursing through her actually made it enjoyable.

It was strange.

Her feelings were changing, little by little, and she was no longer afraid of it. Stroking his long hair, she watched as a fresh wave tears trickled down his pale cheeks.

"Shh," she soothed, scooting herself upward until his head was slightly below her own. "Shhh... don't cry. Everything is fine. You are safe."

"Not... fine..."

The unexpected reply made her heart freeze.

She stared off at the scenery with a tight expression, then looked down, but to her surprise, his eyes were still closed, there was no change in his breathing, and he was still asleep.

"You're safe."


Ella's eyebrow twitched.

Mental Ox is arguing with me even in his sleep, she silently huffed to herself, making a sour face. What will it take for him to understand?

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