Chapter 69: Closure

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Chapter Sixty-Nine: Closure

His consciousness flew towards the ground so fast that his stomach flipped.

But then... he was on solid ground and looking at a face he thought he'd never see again.

At least, not for real.

Connie was standing in front of the tree he and Ella had carved their names into.

Upon turning his head, he saw himself walking away, hands tucked into his pockets.

The version of him who had been nothing but a depressed high school kid.

"This is your world," Zelphira noted, suddenly appearing beside him. "Past events... things that have already been."

"Why are you showing me this?" he demanded, throat tightening. "I don't understand."

"Watch," Zelphira soothed, lifting a clawed finger. "Watch and learn."

The moment she spoke, the world became a blur and they were suddenly standing in Ella's home. Connie was performing her usual morning routine, but the bags beneath her puffy eyes made her look gaunt. Everything was going normally until the phone rang.

Xaphile watched as she put her duster and Windex down and hurried to the kitchen, picking the phone up off the wall.

"Hello?" she asked, tucking the phone under her ear as she returned to cleaning. "Can I help you?"

The person on the other line must have said something surprising, since she blinked.

"This is she," the woman hesitantly murmured, looking alarmed. "What can I do for you, officer?"

Xaphile felt his stomach drop through the floor... and his eyes flashed to the calendar on the wall. Every single day had been crossed off... all the way up to March 22nd.

The day after his birthday.

Whatever she was hearing made the woman furrow her brows.

"Well, yes, but what's going on?" Connie inquired, staring blankly at the wall. "If this is about the upcoming court hearing with my daughter's killer..."

For a long moment, there was no change in her expression.

"Listen closely," Zelphira unexpectedly whispered into his ear. "Listen to these words. And watch what they do."

With a strange buzzing sensation, he heard the crackle of static... but then a man's muffled voice filled his head.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news, Ma'am," the person on the other end of the phone stated quietly. "This might come as a shock... we all know about what happened on Christmas, so I'm really sorry to break the news to you like this, but... Xaphile Heseroph was found dead this morning in front of the downtown amphitheater."

Xaphile's heart nearly stopped when Connie's face went blank.

Then, skin draining of color, she staggered backwards a step and leaned against the wall.

"What... did you just say?" Mrs. Richardson asked in a confused tone, brown eyes completely lacking all sheen. "What... what are you talking about...?"

"He specifically left you a note," the deputy tiredly sighed. "If you have time... please. Come to the station."

He covered his mouth when her eyes slowly widened.

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