Chapter 68: Serious Talk

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Author's Note: This chapter is for Krazydiamond, since I'm genuinely grateful for her help with the 2016 Watty Interview exposure thing she put this story in a few weeks ago. Thanks bunches for helping me get this story out there, Diamond! Stay Krazy! Lol.


Chapter Sixty-Eight: Serious Talk 

"Brother?" Zelphira called, peering through the opening of a strange cave, "Forgive me for disturbing you... but, we must speak. This is a matter of grave importance."

She waited at the edge of the cavern for nearly three minutes before a voice came out.

"What is it?"

Relief washed across her pale features, and she clasped her hands behind her back.

"We have visitors to our realm, my brother," she said softly, smiling a little. "There is one in particular that I'm sure you would like to meet. I am here today to discuss him with you."

"What about this stranger visitor concerns me?"

The question was low, angry, and bitter sounding.

"He has become one of our honored ascended, and I have seen that he will change our world in ways you cannot even imagine!"  Zelphira told him proudly, then hesitated before she added, "It concerns you... because he is Lei's firstborn son."

Silence came out of the cavern.

"Again... why does this concern me?"

The words came out so twisted with fury that Zelphira shivered slightly.

"I want you," she said softly, "to be his mentor."


"Because... three months ago, he was injured in the head," Zelphira sighed, "and now, his mind and memories belong to a human. But, he is not--"

Before she could finish speaking, a violent snarl of rage echoed from the cave and Zelphira jumped back, sheer gown billowing around when a hulking figure began to approach. 

"A human?" he spat. "That bastard child has the mind and memories of mortal filth?"

"What are you saying?" Zelphira gasped. "Let me finish speaking!"

"I've heard enough," the voice snarled. "Leave me."



"I refuse to leave until you let me finish speaking with you!"

"Then I will leave. You are foolish. To let a mortal in any regard take part of our most honored ceremonies and awaken true power within him?! What were you thinking?! FOOL!"

With a roar, the speaker barreled forward and tore past Zelphira, who covered her face.

Whipping around, she watched the hulking figure leap off the cliff resting so high in the air.

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