Chapter 76: Amelia's Smile

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Chapter Seventy-Six: Amelia's Smile

Everyone had wandered off.

Amelia nervously pushed her glasses up her nose as she trudged through the woods, shoulders hunched up to her ears. She had already come across more than a few couples performing acts that would make even Sinmir go red in the face.

Hugging herself around the middle, she peered around for Xaphile.

For Ella.

For Gus.

For something familiar.

But nobody was around her.

All of the Faeries had run off into the woods, and she was alone.

Alone with her thoughts.

Alone with her memories.

Alone with everything.

"Ella?" she timidly called, peering through the dark. "Ella? Phil? Where are you?"

There was no response from the darkness.

Just the rustling of the trees.

Shivering slightly, she continued onward, nervously fiddling with one of her braids since the silver forests around her were strangely dark and unwelcoming. The bonds around her wrists chafed and stung whenever she moved her hands.

She didn't like not being able to use magic.

She felt naked without it.

As she walked, she began to detect a faint noise somewhere in the darkness so she paused and turned her head to listen, but the sound stopped when she did.

Amelia pushed her glasses up her nose and peered even harder at the darkness.

"Hello?" she called, frowning when she didn't see anything. "Is someone there?"

She wasn't expecting an answer, but that's exactly what she got when a rather slim form slinked out from behind a tree.

Her heart flew up her throat when the silhouette slowly advanced. Amelia peered closer, but she felt relief coursing through her when she realized it was the young-looking sprite that had been tugging Xaphile around now and again. If she remembered correctly, his name was... Piper?

No, Bonks.

His blonde hair rippled behind him as he glided towards her, white wings flapping.

"Thank goodness," she sighed, giving him a relieved countenance. "It seems as though everyone has gone out of their minds. Your kith are doing some rather uncouth things with each other right now, and I'm afraid it's made me rather uncomfortable and jumpy."

He didn't respond, merely continued moving towards her in a silent gait.

His clawed feet didn't make a sound against the forest floor.

Amelia blinked and tilted her head when he walked right up to her, but without breaking stride, his arms gently slid around her neck and his weight settled against her torso. Her eyes went wide when she suddenly found herself falling backwards, unable to move, unable to do anything.

Then, she hit the ground.

Sprawled on her back, Amelia stared at the dark canopies above with stunned blue eyes.

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