Chapter 52: The Path to Calcoon

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Chapter Fifty-Two: The Path to Calcoon

The next few days passed with an increasingly familiar routine.

Every night, after they'd eaten lunch, Amelia would meditate with the group before traveling again. Then, after dinner, they would all meditate again and Xaphile would teach Ella the basics of Martial Arts after they finished. Thankfully, they'd gotten out of the mountains after the first few nights, and because of it the climate had changed.

Everything was still a bit colder than it had been in the south, but it was more of a late winter chill than anything else.

Unfortunately, tensions were running on a high between Gus and Sinmir, for reasons known only to themselves.

They didn't seem to like each other very much, and it didn't go unnoticed by Xaphile, Ella, or Amelia, but since none of them really knew how to bring up the hostile atmosphere between the two, they left it alone.

Vrael, on the other hand, seemed to be perfectly content with simply spreading his cheer to everyone.

His addition to their group had been nothing short of a good idea since he was sharp, quick-witted, and very observant. He knew when to intervene and when not to intervene, and his smile could dispel some of the attitude going on between the older guys.

He and Amelia had occasionally gone into very in-depth conversations along the road, talking about things like magic ability, spells, odd enchantments on everyday items, and the mysteries their own abilities could create.

She seemed to really enjoy chatting about magic with someone who understood it.

Fact was, though, that aside from the cheerful halfling, everyone was stressed out, but none of them were as stressed as Xaphile.

He didn't understand the way Ella was acting around him. Her usual brusque attitude was still present, but for some reason, she was practically being nice, and it was bizarre.

Amelia seemed to notice his mood a few times over the week, but she didn't speak up about it since she'd been pretty reserved after that one and only attempt to repel her from his mind.

He had a feeling it was because of the memories she'd glimpsed.

After the fifth night of traveling, however, Gus finally struck up a conversation with him, which he only half paid attention to.

Or rather, didn't pay any attention to at all since he was still too busy wondering by what Ella had meant to hear any of it.

"I'm okay... even if you are a monster."

"She won't win."

"I won't lose. I don't know how."

What the hell did all of that mean? he dazedly wondered, staring off into space. It doesn't make sense.

"Come on, lad!" Gus finally snapped, jarring him with an elbow to knock his head from the clouds. "Where's your mind gone to? Have you not heard a word I've said?"

Xaphile regarded him with an apologetic glance.

"Sorry..." he muttered. "There are other things on my mind."

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