Chapter 176: Storm on the Horizon

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Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Six: Storm on the Horizon

That night was again one of the happiest in Ella's memory since Gus, the Sysh Brothers, and even the Daael family came over while Xaphile was cooking and asked to spend time together.

She wasn't alone anymore.

In three months, so much had changed, all because of one boy.

She sat with her chin on her hands, watching as Faeble clumsily pounced at Adariel's ever-wagging tail, watching everyone converse and chat, watching their closeness.

Her favorite part of traveling through the countryside had been the companionship.

She'd begun to miss it a little, so eating a meal all together was pretty nice, but throughout the whole evening, Xaphile once again kept giving her those oddly intense looks, like he wanted to say something important but was reluctantly choosing not to.

She didn't know what was on his mind, but she figured he would talk when he was ready so she left it alone.

When the food was finally prepared, everyone sat where they felt most comfortable, but the mood was pretty good and her friends seemed lively.

It was only when Gus turned to her that her mind was drawn out of its warm, dreamlike state.

"By the way, Ella," he said, frowning, "Angelo mentioned something to me earlier that I think you should check before you turn in, if you have the time."

"Hm?" she asked, looking up at him in surprise. "What is it?"

"The outer wall, near the southwestern part of the village, just shy of the drawbridge," Gus explained, green eyes glinting brightly. "He said that it looked as if a demon had begun to figure out how to scale it. The claw marks he spotted on the wood are worrying him."

"Oh," Ella said grimly, brows furrowing. "I'll check out as soon as I'm finished eating."

"I'll go with you," Xaphile instantly said, making Gus turn; the glint in his eyes disappeared and he looked disgruntled. "I need to talk to you about something, anyway."

"Fine with me," Ella said, shrugging. "I could use the company. It's pretty dark out." 

"Thank you," Gus said, smiling faintly. "Let me know what you find, aye?"

"Aye, aye," she murmured, taking another bite and giving him a salute with her fork. "You have my word I'll report in. If it's serious, I'll have someone stationed near the location of interest to keep an eye on things." 

He nodded, and everyone went back to eating.

About an hour later, Ella finally set her dirty dish aside and rose, stretching her arms before casting a glance at Xaphile, who'd finished eating a few minutes before her. Their eyes met and he rose to his feet, turning to look at Adariel.

"We'll be back soon," he murmured, smiling. "I promise."

"Okay, Big Brother!" Adariel chimed, grinning at him. "Have fun!"

Ella's heart melted when the kid smiled at her and turned away, bantering with Windal about some sort of strange children's game they'd been talking about all evening. She was relieved when she headed outside, since the air was refreshing after the heat of Amelia's home.

Until she felt the air.

Really felt it.

She paused, frowning, since there was a strange amount of tension all around her. Xaphile joined her shortly after she noticed it, which broke her thoughts away from the odd feeling; he set a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently.

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