Chapter 62: Boy Talk

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Author's Note: This chapter gets a little... open, with the conversations. Has a lot of "guy talk."


Chapter Sixty-Two: Boy Talk

Krishna and the other Faery girls returned the next morning, bright and early.

Xaphile was only aware of this because someone nudged him with their foot. Eyes slowly opening, he blinked blearily at the sunlight glaring down on him before focusing on the silhouette that stood above him, blocking most of it out.

He couldn't really see the arrival, but he noticed an odd warmth around his middle and glanced down to see Ella quite literally sleeping on him. She had curled up into a little ball against his chest, hood down and pale cheek pressed against the streak of black fur running down his middle.

He glanced back up at the silhouette in a dazed fashion, blinking as Karla's features slowly came into focus.

"This human seems rather dear to you," the faery woman said in a quiet tone. "I see that she is the one you marked, too."

He blinked, then slowly lifted his arms and patted Ella's back.

"Hey," he sleepily muttered. "Wake up."

"Mnm..." Ella grumbled, shifting slightly before she pushed back and sat up, blinking at everything in a dazed manner. "What's going on?"

"You fell asleep on me last night," he explained, making her blink and glance down; her eyes snapped open wide and all traces of exhaustion fled when she realized she was sitting on top of his belly.

"Eh? I did?!"

"I was tired, so I fell asleep, too. That's not important, though... we have company."

When she frowned, he motioned for her to look up and she tilted her head back to see the fae looking down at her in curiosity. She gasped, scrambing off his chest and standing up, shaking her cloak and dress out.

"Forgive me," she muttered, visibly flustered. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"It's cool," he yawned sitting up and rubbing his eyes; he turned and looked up at Karla, who was staring at his foot. "What is it?"

"You bound that up very well," she complimented. "I'm impressed."

Xaphile shook his head and gestured at Ella.

"She did it for me," he explained. "I was having trouble with it."

"Mortals are actually useful?" she asked, face showing genuine surprise followed by remorse. "I apologize, I am unused to dealing with mortal-keeping clansmen, as we have so few among us. I wasn't expecting them to be capable of more than fighting and providing you pleasure."

Xaphile flushed and swallowed hard when he caught the meaning of her words; similarly, Ella's jaw dropped, but she bit her tongue and refused to speak.

These people really are like wild animals, he realized. They're very uninhibited and lewd.

"So," he rasped aloud. "What's the plan for today?"

"You are going to be introduced to the unascended younglings of the faust clan," she clarified, "as per the request of the Grand Mother. To that end, you'll be joining our young Vadilie on the other side of the forest."

"I see," he muttered, getting to his feet and cracking his back. "Thanks for letting me know."

As he turned to go, however, she set a thin hand on his shoulder with a feather-light touch.

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