Chapter 33: Amelia's Vow

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Amelia's Vow

Hearts weren't fun.

They would beat no matter how someone was feeling... if they felt like quitting, like dying, a heart would just plod along, reminding the weilder that life would indeed go on through the bad times as well as the good.

It wouldn't let feelings of suffering, emotional agony, or fear stop it from doing it's job.

True to that old country song, hearts 'just keep rolling along.'

But for a single moment, when Ella Rochard crushed her lips against his own, Xaphile's heart stopped the way it wasn't supposed to.

And then, it felt like it was breaking.

He didn't resist her.

There was no point.

He was too weak to force her off of him, and she did whatever she wanted with no regard to the feelings of others. So instead of putting up a fight, he closed his eyes and went deep inside his head, fighting to blot out what she was doing to him. Numbness filled him from the inside out, preventing him from feeling.

He hid from reality the same way he'd done whenever his father had abused him by disconnecting from himself, but not, however, before a small trickle of tears unwillingly slipped out from beneath his eyelids.

Just as Ella opened her eyes and saw them, the doors opened and Amelia walked into the room.

She gasped and froze like a statue.

Ella ignored her, frozen as she was by the sight of Xaphile's tightly squeezed eyes streaming tears of what looked like pain.

Her face looked stunned.

Visibly disheveled, she pulled away and sat up, running a hand through her hair to get it out of her eyes. Still sitting with her legs straddling his stomach, she turned, eyes landing on Amelia.

"Can I help you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the startled expression on Amelia's face. "We were kind of in the middle of something."

The blue-eyed girl snapped out of her stupor and shook her head as if clearing away a daze.

"Ah, no... erm, this was just highly unexpected," she noted, hesitantly moving forward them and holding out the parcels in her arms with uneasy eyes. "Is it safe to say you two are on better terms now?"

Ella glanced down at him again, but Xaphile's eyes remained shut, long ears pulled back and angled down like a frightened animal's.

"More like I've sealed a contract," she said softly, getting off of him and smoothing the baby blue skirt of the dress she was wearing. "There are things that must be done, and I now have a challenge that needs to be well-thought out before I execute it. So, if you'll excuse me... tend to the invalid."

When she tossed her silver hair and swept out of the room, Amelia stared after her.

"I take it you two have reconciled...?" she timidly asked, finally giving Xaphile a look. "I... I wasn't expecting to walk in on something like that. Tell me... what were you two doing?"

When he opened his eyes and looked at her, he felt dead on the inside.

"Nothing that I wanted or asked for. She's insane," he croaked, dizzily rubbing the tears away. "She just crushed her mouth against mine with no warning at all, no explanation... she's fucking nuts!"

Amelia stiffened slightly.

"I see," she murmured, hefting the parcels and opening them. "Don't take it to heart... she wouldn't have done it unless she'd wanted to."

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