Chapter 149: Preparing for the Festival

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine: Preparing for the Festival

When Xaphile came to his senses, it was only because something hard nudged his leg.

"Pardon me, but could you uncouth sodomites extricate yourself from the stairs?"

The voice was like a dull drone.

His eyes fluttered a little, and he shifted slightly, cheek brushing against warmth and roughness. Something was wrapped around his legs, and he felt a very rhythmic motion against his body, soothing him so much that it almost lulled him back to sleep.

He was just about to drift off again when whatever it was nudged him a second time.

His eyes drifted open, blinking blearily.

He was lying stretched out at an angle on the in stairs, legs off to the side, cradled against Vordt's massive chest. Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw that his uncle was leaning against the wall, head resting against the banister, eyes closed, jaw slack, breathing evenly, one massive arm wrapped around Xaphile's back.

Vordt was just as dead to the world as he had been only moments before. He swallowed and was just about to close his eyes when someone stomped on his foot.

He flinched and looked up to see a very, very old woman staring down her nose at him from behind round, golden spectacles. She was wearing a surprisingly flouncy baby blue gown and white gloves covered her pale, weathered hands.

She stared at him in disgust when he blinked up at her in sleepy confusion.

"How filthy," she said in a condescending tone, making him stare stupidly. "You don't look a day older than my grandson. Wretched sodomites. Move already! I'll be late for the Equinox Festival's final preparations if you don't extricate your foul legs!"

"Uh... what?" Xaphile hoarsely rasped, rubbing his eyes in confusion. "What did you call us?"

"Sodomites," the woman sniffed impatiently. "It's such a filthy thing you do, and in such a public place! There are rooms in this hotel for a reason! Now move, your, legs!"

"Sodomites?" Xaphile dumbly asked, confused. "What are sodomites?"

"Men who lust for young boys."

"Huh?" he asked, but when it clicked, he gasped, eyes flying open wide in mortification; he shook his head, giving her a horrified look as he drew his legs back. "Oh, gross! You've totally got the wrong idea about us! Sorry for sleeping on the stairs, but I... we... er, it was a long day yesterday and I-I passed out."

"Indeed?" the woman sneered, wrinkled mouth curling. "Filth, you are. Lies that come from the mouth of a child! Revolting."

Irritation, hot and swift, swept through him and he instantly narrowed his eyes at her.

"Your attitude is revolting," he said slowly. "Get away from me."

"Why, I never!" the woman gasped, wrinkled face looking shocked and outraged. "How dare you! I'll have you know that I am the--"

"I don't care who or what you are. Get away from me," Xaphile coldly interrupted, seething internally. "I don't want you to wake my uncle up. Go."

The woman froze, giving him a mortified expression.

"Uncle?" she breathed, looking faint. "Sodomy, within one's own bloodline? Oh, heavens..."

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