Chapter 138: Reunited at Last

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Reunited at Last

No words could describe the sort of feelings that were rushing through Ella's heart.

Preparing herself mentally was the worst part since she would have to bring Adariel with her into that place, and there was always a chance they could get caught again.

Which would be bad.

VERY bad.

Stepping out into the open, she headed over to where the duke had disappeared and stood on the threshold of the secret doorway, feeling cold air wafting her tangled, sweat-plastered white hair across her shoulders. A long, dimly lit staircase descended into the dark to parts unknown, and after listening for a good five minute, she started down into the deep.

Find, my, friends, she thought with each halting step. I, hate, stairs. Find, my, friends. I, am, scared. Find, my, friends.

After a long, long time the stairs terminated in a dark hallway lined with glass mirrors. It reflected her dirty, torn white dress and equally dirty white hair without any sugarcoating, and when she caught a glimpse of her smudged makeup and wide rabbit's eyes she paused.

She could see Adariel, clinging to her desperately, tail weakly flicking around.

His eyes were gaunt, and he looked frightened.

They both looked like a mess.

"We can do this," she told the boy, catching those large blue-green eyes in the reflection. "Your brother believes in you, and me. But right now, our friends are counting on... us."

When he shivered and tightened his hands, she grimaced, and tossed her hair behind her ears.

Then she continued walking, trying to keep quiet. The glass hallway went on and on and on, not turning or varying in any way, and when she came upon a large metal door she felt her mouth go dry.

Please be unlocked, she thought as she pushed down the handle, and her heart leaped when it opened smoothly beneath her hand.

Fresh, harsh light stung her eyes, and she squinted as she walked into it. Another hallway stood before her, but this one was immaculately carpeted. Rich red plush on the floor, wooden crown molding, golden walls with brass lantern fixtures.

It seemed like an extension of the actual castle, but Ella was in no mood to admire it right then because she heard voices down the hall.

She squared her shoulders, then leaned down and drew the dagger from her boot.

Thinking quickly, she looked down at her dress and scowled.

With a speed that startled the little boy on her back, she grabbed the front of the billowing skirt and held it out, plunging the dagger into it and tearing the cloth. He watched with wide eyes as she hacked away, ripping the fabric around in a wide circle just above the thighs.

Once she had a wide, circular strip of cloth, she cut it again so it wasn't connected, and cut it a third, fourth, and fifth time so she had four equal strips of cloth.

Then, she put the dagger between her teeth and wrapped the first strip around her back, forcing it to ride up beneath Adariel's tail and across his bottom. He flinched, squeezing so tightly that she almost choked, but she kept her calm and tied the strip around her middle.

His shivers bothered her immensely.

Curse whoever puts hands on a child, she silently muttered. Once she was finished, she used the other two strips to tie his legs securely to her sides, and with the last strip, she wrapped it around his back and tied it around her chest, making loops to slip his arms through.

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