Chapter 118: The First Kiss

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Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen: The First Kiss

Near lunch time, the rain had thankfully warmed up to a much more bearable temperature, and everyone stopped to eat. Some of the faery women pulled fruits and dried vegetables out of pouches they kept at their waists, but the rest chose not to eat anything at all.

To Ella, it felt like heaven to get out of the rain and under the shelter of an overly large leaf.

She and the others camped out in the lee of a giant root, huddled in a shivering group while they ate a lunch that consisted of fruit, fruit, and more fruit.

"If my understanding of the geography in this region is correct," Gus muttered, staring off at the thick rainfall with dismayed eyes, "we are traveling parallel with the path we initially took to get here, only we started much further to the south. We'll still have to cross that giant lake."

Ella's mouth went a little dry.

"Do you really think we can cross it?" Amelia asked. "There won't be any giant water demons like last time?"

"Well, we got across with the help of Faery magic the first time," Vrael chattered, rubbing his hands together to give them a bit of warmth. "When's Phil going to join us?"

"His uncle said he needs space," Sinmir murmured, turning to look at Xaphile. "Let's just wait."

"Speaking of his uncle," Gus muttered, peering around. "Where'd he slink off to?"

"He said something about checking the health of the forests," Amelia offered, not looking up from her fruit. "I'd assume he's out and about making sure everything's in order."

Ella nodded absently, finding herself unable to look away from Xaphile.

He was sitting a good distance away from them in the rain, munching on an apple with his shoulders hunched. He'd occasionally spoken to the others in their group during the morning, but he hadn't so much as cast a look in Ella's direction, and that hadn't changed.

It bothered her more than she wanted to admit.

She knew Sinmir was right about leaving him alone, but she couldn't help herself.

Standing up, she gripped another apple and made her way out into the rain, walking over.

"Hey," she greeted, walking over with a frown. "Want some company?"

"Leave me alone, Ella," Xaphile muttered, standing up like a springboard and walking away without sparing her a second glance. "I'm not in the mood."

"Fine, but at least tell me what's wrong with yo---"

Ella's words cut off when she slipped in the mud and landed hard on her back, hitting her head hard enough to see stars and knocking the breath out of her lungs. She lay there gasping, hardly hearing the way Sinmir was suddenly laughing his ass off.

"Ella, are you all right?!" Gus called, standing up.

"Fine!" she squeaked. "I'm okay..."

Which wasn't true, but it wasn't like he would know that. Then a shadow fell over her and she found herself staring into twin spots of brilliant aquamarine. He knew she wasn't all right.

He'd probably felt her pain through the link they had.

Then again, he'd come back to check on her, at least.

Dazed, she mumbled, "Hi."

"Hn," was his oh-so-eloquent reply, and by the time she managed to sit up, he was walking away again. Ella lurched to her feet, woozy but indifferent as she stumbled after him.

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