Chapter 166: Return to the Winged Stallion Inn

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Chapter One Hundred And Sixty-Six: Return to the Winged Stallion Inn

It took them three full days to travel from the upper Syl Mountains back to Ordin.

Xaphile had been thinking about a lot of different things during that time, primarily his uncle's words about monopolizing Ella and taking his time with her for granted. It had been bothering him deeply ever since, but he pushed it to the back of his mind.

After all, with the girl sitting literally in his lap the whole time, thinking about it wasn't safe.

It was late in the evening when they finally arrived.

People all over the city of bridges stopped and stared at their group as they came into town, heading for the inn, and at one point they were even approached by the city guard, who asked them a great deal of questions about the nature of their group.

Ella pulled no punches and gave each person who asked a solid answer, even going as far as explaining that the two sulking men who'd been tied up and slung across Gus's horse like so much dead weight had ambushed a family protected by the banner of Adanac's royal family.

Her shocking explanations caused a great deal of commotion among the guards and even a great number of the city's townsfolk, many of which who had stopped to listen as she recounted the events that had led to them being where they were.

When they asked for identification that she was actually the Countess of Nimika, however, Xaphile was a bit startled to see her take off her cloak and bare her right shoulder. On it was a strange green tattoo that he'd never seen before, a winged lion breathing fire.

They asked for further identification, and she stuck her tongue out.

He gawked since the same mark had been carved into the organ.

"Dude!" he squeaked. "You have a tattoo on your tongue?!"

"Of course," Ella said, staring at him oddly. "All noble women do. It's considered unbecoming to have the mark of royalty branded upon one's forehead, as a girl's facial features are something to be left unblemished and admired, or so the old texts say. I've always had this."

He stared at her tongue when the guards nodded, wondering how he could have ever missed seeing it considering just how many times she'd stuck her tongue out at him.

"Thank you for discussing this with us in such honest detail, Lady Ellameira," the leader of the troupe, who had introduced himself as Captain Fark, said kindly, warm brown eyes twinkling with worry as he inclined his head. "It is quite shocking to hear such things are taking place. Do you wish for us to take the prisoners into custody and have them officially interrogated?"

"No," Ella said, waving a hand. "I truly believe that they're simply misinformed about what's really going on, so I'm taking them with me to Chisago, so they can see the truth for themselves."

"So be it," Captain Fark murmured, bobbing his head. "If you do not mind, I would like to add several extra patrols to the watch this evening, for the safety of you and yours. If the king has finally gone mad, I'm afraid there's little we can do but offer you a small bit of protection."

"You would do that?" she asked, brows shooting up.

"Isn't that what he just said?" Bonks whispered, but Druthmar elbowed him and he shut his mouth with a grimace. Vordt rolled his eyes in irritation and the other Sysh brothers shared an amused glance with each other.

"Sir, I appreciate the gesture," Gus said slowly, "but that could cause Ordin a great deal of problems. If the king learns that you helped us, he could set his sights on all of you!"

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