Chapter 104: Piper's Punishment

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Chapter One Hundred and Four: Piper's Punishment

An extremely stiff silence permeated the room.

Gus was glaring profusely, Vrael was visibly displeased, and Amelia was frowning at the wall. Ella and Sinmir, on the other hand, were giving him reassuring gazes. He felt uncomfortable when he cast a quick glance at Vordt to see him fuming.

Anger was radiating off of his body in waves.

"Why must you always disregard us?" Gus muttered, shaking his head. "Does what we think matter that little to you, Phil?"

He frowned at the blonde man intensely. This wasn't easy to talk about, and he wanted to get it over as quickly as possible.

"Quite the contrary," he shot back. "It matters more than you realize. That's why I rarely talk to you guys about these sorts of things."

Gus obviously didn't know how to respond to that.

"Since my part in this discussion is over," Vordt grunted, "I'll be taking my leave."

Xaphile's ears drooped when he rose to his feet. Everyone watched as he stalked towards the door, tail flicking to and fro... but just before he walked outside, he paused and glanced over his shoulder. His gaze was barbed.

"You have three hours to ready yourself for your next lesson. I'll be waiting for you across the lake. Once you're there... we need to have a serious talk."

Then he turned around and vanished, closing the door behind him. Everyone was quiet for a moment.

"Why would you allow him to travel with us?" Vrael asked, looking grim. "Phil, seriously... family or not, he did some really terrible things to you and Ella. Can we really trust him?"

"I'm not asking you to trust him," Xaphile murmured. "I'm asking you to trust me. Please, give him a chance. Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes."

Vrael looked down at his plate.

"I see," he said, then cleared his throat. "If that's how you really feel, then I'll support your choice."

Amelia looked thoughtful.

"His reaction doesn't give me much to go on," she noted, "but I suppose we'll all keep a careful eye on him, just to be safe. And I want all of us to be honest if he causes any problems."

Xaphile nodded and stood up, grabbing a drying cloth and some bath supplies out of his pack.

"I'm gonna go take a quick dip in the hot springs," he muttered, turning to head for the door; before he could make it there, Ella's hand clamped firm around his own, halting him.

He knew she could sense the turmoil he felt. Her eyes were worried.

"You know where I am if you wish to talk," she said. "Do not hesitate."

Her eyes never left his face, gaze seeming to intensify with every passing moment.

Xaphile nodded wordlessly and gently pulled out of her grasp, heading outside.

His thoughts were circling around and around, and he felt his heart burning as he closed the door behind him. Trotting over to the hot springs, he dropped the towel, then pulled off his pants and folded them up on the ground.

Familiar heat washed across his body when he dove in and submerged himself.

Once he resurfaced, he snatched some soap and started washing his hair, running through the lengthy process with a speed that would have surprised him a few months ago. Then he got out, wrapping the towel around his waist.

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