Chapter 107: Eyes Wide Open

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Chapter One Hundred and Seven: Eyes Wide Open

When they landed on the island, Xaphile was relieved.

Even though it had been a good day, he felt more tired than usual, and he was also hungry.

"I'll return here tomorrow morning," Vordt said. "Make sure you're well-rested."

"Will do," he murmured, looking at his uncle with a nod. "Thanks again."

The man didn't respond, instead choosing to flap his wings and vanish into the sky. Once he was gone, Xaphile sighed, then turned and headed towards the lodge. It was when he was moving past the copse of trees that he heard voices and paused, ear flicking involuntarily.

"--nd that is none of your concern."

"You're quite wrong. It actually is my concern, because it concerns me. So talk, Octavius. Now."

Xaphile blinked, frowning when he recognized Sinmir's deep, rumbling voice.

"Who are you to demand anything from me?" Gus barked. "You may be the Lord of Adanac, but this is not your country, and we are not your subjects. You do not rule us. Forcing an answer out of me is not going to do you any good."

"Enough!" Sinmir snarled, and the sound of cracking wood split the air. "Talk! I'll not have you keeping secrets from us! We are all in this together! You and I are the eldest members of our party. It is our responsibility to take action when things go wrong as the adults in the group."

Xaphile blinked when Gus let out a sharp, harsh laugh.

"That is a very misguided observation," he scoffed. "We're not in anything together. You're only here because you forced your way in, and Ella, at the very least, listens to you. I'm just being strung around by the nose and taken advantage of. When I offer her advice, it's disregarded!"

"You've only yourself to blame for that."

"I beg your pardon?!"

"My words fall naught on deaf ears! Do not act as if you cannot hear what I am saying, you lout!"

Silence filled the air.

Xaphile stared at the ground with his gut knotted and the fur on his spine standing on end.

"Then, pray, tell," Gus said in an unbelievably cold tone. "How is it... that the lack of compassion for my thoughts, is my fault? What have I done that makes my ideals and views so worthless?"

"Do you want an honest answer?"

"Yes. I daresay I do."

"Then you'll have one," Sinmir growled. "First and foremost, you are dense when it comes to piecing together the hearts of the young. I have seen the way you treat Ella, and I have also seen the way you have treated Xaphile, Vrael, and even sweet Amelia on occasion. You are harsh."

"And I have reason," Gus countered. "It would seem that this journey has made everyone forget their places in life. Vrael, no matter how great of a lad he may be, is a fugitive. Amelia, loving and tender, is nothing more than a village healer with no right to address royalty so familiarly."

"What? Have you gone m--"

"I AM NOT FINISHED!" Gus roared, making Xaphile flinch. "Ella, my god daughter, is one of the four rulers that govern this country! She used to hold her position in the highest regard, a trait that was necessary to rule the way she must, and yet within only three months... she somehow lost her head because some... some... melodramatic, self-pitying bastard seduced her!"

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