Chapter 100: Crumble

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Chapter One Hundred: Crumble

When Ella opened her eyes, her hands seared with agony and she wished she would fall unconscious again so the pain couldn't get to her. Trying to distract herself, she sat up and blearily looked around the room. Gus was dozing against the wall, hands behind his head. 

To her surprise, Sinmir was standing in front of the door, talking to a few familiar faery women who were holding all of the things they'd initially taken, including Ella's sword and Gus's bow.

She frowned when she saw their mouths moving, since couldn't seem to hear them.

There was an odd ringing in her head that muffled sounds.

Shifting her eyes to avoid growing dizzy, she glanced at Vrael, who was reading one of Amelia's many books. Xaphile and Amelia herself were nowhere to be seen. After a few moments, Sinmir bowed and smirked at one of the faery girls, who eyed him with obvious interest.

Then they left and he shut the door before turning around.

He seemed surprised to see her awake.

"Didn't realize you'd gotten up," he said softly, smirking at her. "Did you sleep well?"

It took her a moment to register his words.

"I did," she thickly retorted. "Where are Amelia and Xaphile?"

"Amelia went to take a long bath," Vrael answered, not looking up. "Xaphile isn't here yet, but the sun has already set, so he'll probably return soon."

"I see," she mumbled, shivering slightly before crawling upright. "Well, when he returns, tell him to get plenty of rest."

When she started towards the door, Sinmir frowned, tilting his head.

"What happened to your hands?" he asked, making her freeze. "Did you injure them?"

"Yes, I did," Ella said simply. "It's nothing for you to be concerned about. Truly."

"What happened?" Vrael asked, looking up in surprise. "You got hurt?"

Ella thought carefully about her words for a few moments.

"I made a mistake and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings," she allowed, which wasn't exactly a lie since she hadn't seen Vordt swinging at her until the last second. "Even I have moments where I make mistakes, so don't trouble yourself with this. It hurts, but I'll be okay."

 "You're a strong lass," Sinmir said in a reproachful tone, "but next time, please tell us if something like that happens again." 

Ella said nothing.

Instead, she continued walking, since she couldn't say that she would or even wouldn't.

"Where are you going?" 

"To get fresh air and wait for Xaphile to arrive," she softly informed him. "You said he should be returning soon, right? I'd like to welcome him back to the island and then take a bath."

"Ah," Sinmir chuckled, breaking into a knowing grin. "Take your time."

"Mm," she mumbled, then walked out the door and closed it. 

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