Chapter 110: Accident

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Chapter One Hundred and Ten: Accident

When Xaphile woke up the next morning, it was because his whole body felt kind of strange.

Hot flashes were throbbing through his stomach and upper chest with a sensation that pulled and ebbed in a fashion similar to an ocean crashing against a shore. Each wave of heat sent tingles through his limbs, and for some reason, he was abnormally aware of his own skin.

Sitting up like a zombie, he stared at the wall with glazed, half-lidded eyes for several minutes, feeling fuzzy and muted. Then he glanced at his sleeping friends, realizing that it was probably still extremely early. He stretched, then paused when he realized that Gus and Amelia were gone.

He let out a malcontent sound deep in his throat and rubbed his eyes.

He felt unusually restless for some strange reason.

Going back to sleep would be impossible.

His tail flicked across the furs and bumped against Ella's side when he stood up, softly brushing against her leg and making her stir. He didn't glance at her when she rolled over, muddled as his head was. Letting loose the braid keeping his hair neat, he made his way outside.

A warm breeze wafted across his skin. Tilting his head back, his eyes snapped shut and he flexed his back muscles to spread his wings. He aired them out, shivering violently since his skin felt bizarrely sensitive... even the the softest of breezes made him tremble slightly.

"Ugh," he grumbled, shaking himself with a shudder. "I feel too high strung today. The stress of everything must be getting to me."

Rubbing his eyes again, he contemplated what to do since the others obviously weren't awake yet, and he was more in the mood to busy himself with something relaxed like reading a book than exercising. He thought for a moment, then decided to play the harp Amelia had given him a long while back since he hadn't been playing it at all lately.

Heading back inside, he quietly dug around in his bag and snagged the instrument before making his way back out and quietly closing the door. He settled down in the grove of trees, leaning against the biggest one on the island.

His fingers began to thrum across the strings of the harp, playing a rich, aimless melody.

The music vibrated in his ears and somehow calmed the odd restlessness that had come over him, although it did nothing for the strange waves of heat cresting through his chest and lower belly.

He kept his eyes fixed on the leaves of the trees and the distant horizon as he played.

It was only when he felt something soft and warm brush against his side that his fingers froze.

His eyes widened when a smell, so sweet and fragrant that it made his toes curl, entered his nose and he breathed deeply, taking it in as the feeling in his body intensified threefold. He turned his head to see Ella sitting beside him. She was staring off at everything with a sleepy expression and her hair was still a little messy, but she seemed content enough.

"Good morning," she mumbled, yawning. "What are you doing up so early?"

"Good morning to you, too," he murmured, plucking the strings of the harp once again. "Sorry if I woke you up. I couldn't fall back asleep, and since I'm sure Vordt will be coming to get me for my next lesson sometime soon, I figured I might as well wake myself up so I'm ready for it."

Ella's eyes remained fixed on his own, gleaming with an unidentifiable emotion as she leaned towards him and gently slid her thin fingers into his long hair, combing it out and allowing it to slide across her hands like dark water.

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