Chapter 99: Necessary Lie

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Chapter Ninety-Nine: Necessary Lie

The next day, Xaphile woke up well past lunch time with an extreme ache in his hands. He sat up with a yawn, looking around to find Amelia making lunch. 

Gus was whittling in the corner, Sinmir and Vrael were both presumably outside, and Ella was sitting upright with her back against the wall, eyes closed.

"Oh, you're finally awake?" Amelia asked, smiling at him. "I thought you had to train early in the mornings!"

"I was given an opportunity to sleep in since I had an extra magic lesson last night," he rasped, stretching like a cat before flopping back down on his stomach. "I don't know what changed, but I think my teacher's had a change of heart."

"Feh," Ella grumbled, glaring at the wall. "Depends on what you call a change of heart. Your hands are aching from whatever he put you through, and it's been bugging me all night."

Xaphile flexed his throbbing hands and glanced at her, but she refused to meet his eyes.

The tips of her ears were dark red.

"It was probably the martial arts training or something," he muttered, giving her an apologetic look. "I don't know why my hands are hurting, but I'm sorry if its bothering you."

Ella winced, then gave him a softer look. Bundled up as she was within the recesses of her cloak, she seemed rather snug.

"Don't apologize," she mumbled, swallowing heavily. "I am sorry for snapping."

It was when she turned that he instantly noticed that her face was paler than usual. He blinked, wondering for a moment if he was imagining the strangely pallid tint to her snowy skin.

"Are you feeling all right, Ella?" he asked, frowning deeply when she twitched. "You're all bundled up even though it's really warm in here, and you're looking oddly pale today."

"I noticed that as well," Amelia chimed, glancing at her. "I've already offered to give her herbal medicine, but she's assured me that she's well."

"I am well," Ella countered, letting out a huff. "I am simply more tired today than usual. Am I not allowed one day to rest without moving much?"

"If that's what you want," Xaphile quietly told her. "You do have a habit of pushing yourself to your limits. If you feel you need it, get some rest today."

Ella nodded, then snuggled down into her cloak, mouth and chin disappearing into the fabric.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes.

"Lunch will be ready momentarily," Amelia murmured, drawing his gaze. "Could you go let Sinmir and Vrael know? They went outside to practice a bit of swordplay."

"Sure," Xaphile confirmed, instantly rising to his feet. "I'll be right back."

Trotting over to the door, he pushed it open and went outside, latching it closed behind him. He strode into the light of the afternoon sun as it broke from a gap in the humid, overcast sky.

A breeze washed across his face.

It was refreshing.

He made his way towards the sound of smacking wood and cheerful voices, which were all coming from the other end of the island. Sure enough, Sinmir and Vrael were sparring with each other, swinging the carved wooden swords with rapid fervor.

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