Chapter 47: Songs for the Road

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Chapter Forty-Seven: Songs for the Road

"Urrrrghhh..." Ella growled for the thirteenth time. "I hate being cold!"

"Yes, Ella, we know," Amelia called back, not bothering to look over her shoulder. "You've made it very clear. Once we get back, we won't have to worry about being cold anymore, so just grit your teeth and bear it!"

"I'm trying!" Ella groused, waddling through the slush she left in her wake. "But I hate being cold!!"

Amelia sighed, shoulders slumping in dismay.

It was at times like these that she wished Gus had relented and let them bring their horses.

"Just be glad we're going down this time instead of up," she scolded, looking over her shoulder as she walked. "We're moving faster than we were on our ascent, so if we keep this pace up, we might make it back by tonight and not have to sleep in the snow again."

Vrael, who had been quiet ever since departing from his home, instantly looked up.

"You slept out in the snow?" he scoffed, eyes wide with disbelief. "You couldn't have! You'd be frozen solid!"

"She's a pyromancer, so it wasn't bad," Ella muttered, making the elf stare in surprise. "Now that I think about it, what exactly is your name again? We haven't even been formally introduced yet, what with us barging in and then leaving in such a hurry."

"My name is Vrael," he instantly chriped, wiggling his long ears with a toothy grin. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Just make yourself useful and stay out of trouble," Ella snorted. "That's all I have to say."

Silence descended after that, punctuated only by their footsteps. Over the edge of the mountains, the rising sun was just beginning to peek at the world with the first touches of light.

Xaphile kept his eyes ahead of him, feeling a little irritated.

Ella was waddling behind Amelia, looking red-faced and very vexed indeed, and Vrael was following them closely, looking off at the distant mountains with faraway brown eyes.

Xaphile's tail flicked and dusted the snow as he watched them for a little while... but then, his nose itched a bit and his face wrinkled as the sensation intensified.

Before he could stifle it, he sneezed... then he sneezed again, and again, and again.

He rubbed his nose with a blink and sniffed, but when he heard a quiet giggle and looked up, Amelia was looking right at him with her blue eyes twinkling merrily behind her glasses.

The moment they made eye-contact, she smiled and turned back around, making him feel awkward.

"I'm cold!" Ella suddenly whined. "Amelia, help me take my mind off the cold! Please!"

"And how do you suggest I do that?" she pleasantly inquired. "It takes most of my focus just trying to generate enough heat to keep you warmer than you would be otherwise."

Ella flapped her arms, looking miserable.

"A story?!" she suggested, waddling after her. "Something?!"

"Why not just ask Phil to sing something?" Amelia proffered, making him wince. "I'm sure there are plenty of songs from wherever he's from that can help distract you."

Ella visibly bristled, even beneath the thick swaddle of clothes, but then, her posture changed and she shivered violently. Hunching her shoulders, she kept her eyes glued to the snow beneath her feet and took a deep breath.

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