Chapter 112: Barely Even Friends

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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve: Barely Even Friends

The world was full of life, beautiful shapes and colors that danced in her eyes like they'd never done before. Feeling the chill of the morning, Zelphira walked towards the lodge, long hair drifting behind her like a cloud and every step light.

Her eyes shone with the prospect of seeing him.

The color of her love made the world more beautiful than the day she'd bonded with it.

Walking through the copse of trees and through the grass, she stopped and took in the sight of the construct before her. Dreading, hoping, yearning, and hating that it would be empty of the light that had touched her life. Her every emotion had been heightened by the imprint.

It coursed through her uncontrollably, making her heart and soul quiver.

She wanted, with everything in her instinctual desires, to see Sinmir.

She wanted what her brother had told her upon returning the previous evening to be true.

But she didn't know.

Because, for whatever reason, she could not see what would become of her.

She did not know what would be in store for her if she walked beyond that threshold.

She was terrified, so terrified, of rejection.

In the end, however, her want and need to see the one her soul had chosen won over her fear and she made her way up to the door. Lifting her hand, she knocked thrice, then waited with her heart rising into her mouth. Yearning and fear alike filled her in such a way that she felt like a youngling again. It was something new to her, and she did not yet know how to handle it.

There was no response from the other side.

She knocked again.

"Just come in already!" Ella's voice barked. "It's not locked!"

Zelphira wordlessly opened the door and stepped inside, looking at each of the faces that swiveled to stare at her. Gus and Ella didn't look up from what they were doing, but Amelia smiled a greeting and Vrael waved before going back to polishing his father's hunting bow.

Then, her eyes were drawn to him.

Leaning against the wall, muscled arms behind his head, he observed her with calm grey eyes.

She suddenly felt weak in the knees and her heart began to pound. The urge to run over and embrace him nearly overpowered her, and even after she suppressed it, she still had trouble not actually doing just that. Swallowing hard, she lowered her head in greeting.

"May I speak with you?" she questioned. "I have... something... I wish to discuss."

When she raised her eyes again and their gazes locked, his eyes crinkled and a smile slid across his face. Her heart immediately thumped and her face suddenly felt hot. She swallowed the knot that formed in her throat when he rose like a lion and lumbered her way.

"Of course," he said softly, deep voice vibrating the core of her entire being. "I wish to speak with you as well."

Zelphira shivered when his arm brushed against her sleeve as he stepped past her and continued walking. Taking a deep breath, she followed him back outside and across the clearing she'd just come through. It wasn't long before she found herself unable to look away from his broad shoulders or even the wild blonde hair cascading down over them.

All too soon, he stopped and turned around, and her gaze was broken. She met his eyes again, and just like that, her stomach went tight and she suddenly didn't know what to say. Her emotions had tumbled over each other so powerfully she was totally speechless.

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