Chapter 144: Come What May

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Dedicated toMegHahn


Chapter One Forty Four: Come What May

When consciousness found her again, Ella blinked at the dark ceiling above her, stupefied, then remembered that she had fallen asleep.

How long was I out? she wondered. I don't usually drop off that quickly. The pain must have exhausted me more than I realized.

The room was pitch black, and someone had moved her from the floor to her bed at some point. She had no idea how much time had passed, no idea how long she'd slept, no idea what was going on, but she felt mostly recovered so she didn't let her lack of knowledge bother her.

No one was awake: the only evidence that her companions were even around was the soft breathing emanating nearby.

Ella sat up slowly, stuffing the cloth into her pocket; luckily she didn't feel woozy anymore, just a little weak in the knees.

She waited until her eyes adjusted to look around. She could dimly make out the lumps of her sleeping friends' bodies.

With a sigh, she stood up and very slowly left the room, closing the door behind her. Stretching, she walked down the hall and took the stairs two at a time.

She wasn't tired at all but it was very late since the plush tavern was empty aside from the man who'd checked them in, who glanced at her with a smile.

And paused.

"My dear," he called, perplexed, "who might you be?"

It took her a moment to remember that she no longer had the illusion shrouding her.

"Cordelia Von Dolan," she instantly chirped, dancing over with a grin when his eyes widened. "This is what I really look like. My sister usually covers me up with illusions when we travel since I draw attention with my looks."

"Ah," he drawled, startled expression smoothing out. "That makes sense. So, is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'm a little thirsty and hungry," she admitted. "Hopefully it isn't too late to order something?"

"My dear, this is a tavern," he chuckled, instantly walking away from the counter. "We are always ready to provide for weary travelers as people arrive at all hours of the day and night. I'll bring you a plate of beef and potatoes with greens and gravy."

Ella nodded and took her seat at one of the tables, but the moment she was alone, she put her head down and sighed.

Thinking about the future.

Thinking about what she knew.

Thinking about the endless questions she had. She worried about what Osric and McCarthy were trying to do, but more than that she was enraged with them.

Why were they trying to destroy the south? Why did Osric hate halflings and oppose interracial marriages so strongly? What had they done to all the faeries living in the south, and where were they now?

Who was the Terrace?

Why did he seem so familiar?

Ella buried her face in her arms, disturbed by the amount of information she was still lacking, but just as she began to think deeply someone touched her head and she jerked up to see Xaphile looking at her.

His aquamarine eyes were half-lidded and relaxed despite the tension in his shoulders.

"Are you all right?" he asked. "I heard you get up, but when you didn't come back I got worried."

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