Chapter 102: Entropy

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Chapter One Hundred and Two: Entropy

For the longest time, Sinmir could only stare blankly.

He had a hard time processing what he'd just been told.

"Heat?" he eventually asked, trying to wrap his head around it. "Hold back a moment... you mean, that kind of heat? Like an animal?"

Amelia flushed scarlet, then lowered her head and fidgeted before giving a jerky nod.

"I-it happens every month, right before my... erm... regular cycle," she stammered. "If I'm around anyone male, I sometimes lose control of myself. Just like I did earlier."

"Isn't such a scenario dangerous?"

"Only if I don't keep reign on myself. I'm afraid you simply caught me off guard at precisely the wrong moment."

The two of them fell quiet and an awkward silence ensued, but eventually Sinmir shook his head and stood up, holding out his hand to her. She glanced at it, then raised her eyes to his face, looking thoroughly confused and more than a little uncertain.

"Your secret is safe with me," he murmured, giving her his most reassuring expression. "How long does this... phase... of yours usually last?"

"Two days," she admitted. "It lasts two days, then I'm in the safe zone."

"And when did it start?"

Amelia looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Earlier this evening..." she mumbled. "It began while I was making tea."

"Well," Sinmir soothed, smiling a little tensely, "from this point on, don't worry about losing control of yourself. Now that I know, I'll keep a careful eye on you, and if you need time to yourself at any point within the next two days, I'll cover for you if anyone asks questions."

She blinked, looking genuinely surprised for a moment, then  took the hand he was offering her and with a great tug, Sinmir pulled her upright.

She didn't let go.

Instead, she moved closer and  wrapped her arms around him, giving him a very tight embrace.

"Thank you," she said softly. "Both for promising to keep my secret, and also offering to keep me safe from harm. You have no idea how relieved your words have made me, but I must also ask you to forgive me in advance... because I am still going to hide it from everyone."

"Bah, no trouble," he chuckled, setting a hand on her head and ruffling her hair. "Everyone has a secret or two. It's my job as a prince to make sure the people around me are well taken care of and everything is running smoothly. Without order of some sort, there will always be chaos."

She let out a sigh, then squeezed a little tighter.

"We are not comparable to a country," she chided, "but I understand the point you are trying to make, so I will let that comment slide."

Just as he was about to suggest they go inside, a voice split the air.

"Oh, Sinmir!" Vrael called. "Have you seen Amelia?"

"Aye, I have," he bellowed back. "What do you need her for?"

"Well, I was reading this book on herbs, and I found one that I..."

Vrael's voice unexpectedly died, and when he didn't speak for a good thirty seconds, Sinmir turned and glanced over his shoulder.

Vrael was looking at the arms wrapped around his middle, brown eyes wide.

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