Chapter 177: Unexpected Attack

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Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven: Unexpected Attack

When Xaphile returned to go get a guard, his first intention was to return to Ella's side the moment he was able to leave. Those plans changed drastically since only mere minutes after he alerted someone of the assassination attempts, a swarm of armed men wearing all too familiar armor stormed across the bridge holding another all too familiar flag.

The guard he'd found froze, then backed away before bolting down the street.

"ANGELO!" the guard screamed. "CAPTAIN ANGELO!"

Xaphile stood frozen in shock, but a nearby woman saw the battalion and let out a terrified scream, as did a man who saw them. Several people started coming outdoors after that, and all of them had the same reactions, which drew yet even more attention.

Even Bruno, Ninira, and Vordt poked their heads out.

They balked when they saw the capital central's militia, but the woman quickly dragged her husband inside Amelia's house with a flurry of action. It took her a few minutes, but when she returned, she was armed with two daggers and two swords, face set into a terrifying grimace.

"Xaphile!" Vordt hissed, drawing his gaze. "Where is Ella?!"

"Outside the gate!" he hissed back, terrified. "We were attacked by assassins!"

"What?! Is she all right?"

"Yes," Xaphile said, nodding. "Last time I saw her, she was fine. We took those punks down."  

"My name is Ralof Vanderin, Guardian of Prince Roland and first lieutenant of King Osric Votrin's proud militia," the armed man riding in the front suddenly said, voice clipped with a snide tone as he looked down his nose at all of them. "We come as an envoy for Prince Roland."

"Prince Roland?!" someone cried. "Why has the prince come to Chisago?! And where is he?!"

"We are here," Ralof sneered, "to collect the traitor of Aerika, Ellameira Rochard." 

Xaphile's blood burned, and he folded his arms, following the slow trek of the soldiers with his eyes as they made their way into the ruined city. There was no easy quip on his lips now, only bitter fear curdling in his stomach. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see his uncle beside him, a grim look on his face. 

"Do not falter," Vordt said lowly, "if they demand anything you do not agree with, only you and Adariel have the right to send them away. Only you. For you are a king here."

Xaphile shivered. 

"Hope it doesn't come to that," he said, before steeling himself and stepping forward.

There were no shouts of surprise at his appearance as he stalked across streets towards the man on the horse, no cries of warning or aggression; Lieutenant Ralof sneered at him in a way that was almost smugly insulting, and he resisted the urge to try and kick the man's horse.

It wasn't the animal's fault.

Several of the villagers watched with bated breath, all of them keeping their distance from the soldiers who had gathered at the entrance to Chisago, and they watched pensively as he crossed the muddy space that passed for a street. There was a rumble of noise in front of him, the sounds of numerous voices speaking at once, and nothing sounded friendly.

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