Chapter 151: Want

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-One: Want

Everyone enjoyed the festival.

Xaphile and Ella danced for a good thirty minutes before Adariel came running over. The two of them happily included him, taking turns dancing with the giggling kid, but eventually the three of them regrouped with their friends at the tables, which had filled with people of all varieties.

Drunken merriment filled the air since a vast amount of men and women were enjoying the wine and food. Ella was alarmed when she noticed how much Sinmir and Gus had been drinking, but when the latter lifted an entire jug of beer to his lips, she stood up and marched over to him, grabbing it out of his hands so roughly that some of the liquid splashed down his bearded chin.

"One shot at a time, Octavius!" she scolded, staring hard at his flushed face and red nose. "You're already so drunk that it can't be healthy!"

"Oi, washhh it, mishy!" he slurred, but she ignored him in favor of setting it down on the table; however, when he smacked her backside with a laugh, her eyes flew open wide. Sinmir, who seemed to be sober enough to recognize the difference between insanity and drunken idiocy, stared at him with a shocked expression. "Gimme mah drink back, Ella!"

"Gus!" she choked, mouth hanging open, face turning red. "How uncouth!"

"Bah!" he scoffed, waving her off. "You're nah' fun."

Xaphile shook his head and turned his attention on Adariel, who was sitting on his lap and swaying with the music. Vordt, literally right beside them, was resting with his arms folded, his eyes closed, and no expression on his face.

Xaphile fiddled with his brother's long hair until Vrael plopped down beside him, panting.

"That was amazing, but I can't keep up with Amelia," he laughed, pointing at the dancing brunette's lively performance. "She hasn't slowed down. In fact, I think she might be the best dancer out there."

"She's something else," Xaphile agreed, wrapping his arms around Adariel's shoulders. "Tonight has been pretty awesome so far."

"I'll say," Vrael gushed, looking at Sinmir and Gus, who were now embroiled in singing some sort of drunken song. "Staying here a bit longer was definitely worth it."

"I'm more surprised by how much Sinmir and Gus are drinking," Xaphile admitted, casting the two blondes a glance. "I knew they both drank a little on occasion, but it's boggling."

"Sinmir is from the north, so I assume he can hold his alcohol with the best of them," Ella said, taking a seat beside Vrael. "Gus, on the other hand, cannot hold his alcohol beyond a certain point. He'll start challenging people to chugging contests soon."

When Xaphile twisted to give her a 'Wow, really?' look, she gave him a thin smile.

"Well, he'll likely lose since he's already drunk," Vrael said, face turning thoughtful. "Especially since they're both drinking some potent wine. Both of you would probably tap out after just one drop of it since it's supposedly very strong stuff. I'm curious to try some myself, honestly."

Sinmir heard him and his grey eyes brightened.

Rising to his feet and swaggering over, he clapped a heavy hand on Vrael's shoulder.

"Can't have a real party without booze!" he quipped as he handed Vrael a bottle. He grinned at the halfling with all of his teeth on full display. "There ya go; drink up! It's a party!"

Vrael's smile seemed a little anxious around the edges.

"Thanks, Sinmir," he said, uncorking it and taking a swig. "Whoo... gross.".

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