Chapter 133: Becoming the Belle of the Ball

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three:  Becoming the Belle of the Ball

The night passed by all too quickly. 

Ella didn't dream, she didn't have any unnecessary visions, her mind was a deep, dark blank that felt, heard, and saw nothing. Which wasn't really surprising since she'd been exhausted when her head had hit the pillow. Truthfully, the only reason she came to when she did was because someone shook her.

She groaned, trying to wave them off, but the jostling persisted.

"Wake up," Amelia whispered, making her eyes flutter open tiredly. "Ella, please, wake up."

"Mmf... is it time already?" she mumbled, groggily sitting up and rubbing her face. "Gods, I'm so tired... I feel as if I didn't get any sleep at all."

"No. It's not time to go yet, but you and I do need to start getting ready."

"Now?" she asked, letting loose an exhausted yawn. "Why?"

She tiredly looked around to see that everyone but Xaphile was still asleep. His legs were folded beneath him and he was breathing deeply and evenly, looking like the definition of pure focus.   

"Getting ourselves dressed up to attend a grand ball takes a little more effort than simply throwing on some fine clothes," Amelia reminded her. "We need to start getting ready now, especially since I'm not sure how long Phil's going to take with his first physical illusion."

Ella's eyes popped open wide and she suddenly felt wide awake when she remembered that he was going to be applying cosmetics to her face. She shivered, thinking of the kiss he'd given her the previous evening, and rose to her feet before walking over to her bag.

Digging through her things, she found the dress she was going to wear and pulled it out.

Sheer white fabric slid against her fingers.

"I'm going to go change into the dress," she said softly. "I'll be back in a moment."

Amelia nodded, then walked over to her own bag and dove halfway inside it.

Ella took the opportunity to walk into the bathroom. Changing into the gown took less than ten minutes, but she didn't have an opportunity to look at herself because she heard a cry from the other room just as she finished. 

Heart flying up her throat, she tore over to the door and flew out into the open, but she came to a halt when she saw Xaphile excitedly flailing around.

"I did it!" he whisper-squeaked, shaking Amelia back and forth and gleefully pointing at something that was lying on the floor. "LOOK! I ACTUALLY MADE A SOLID ILLUSION!"

"I can see that," Amelia giggled, staring at it in mild amazement. "What is it, though?"

Xaphile paused, then blinked as if remembering something surprising.

"Make-up," he said simply. "Or at least, the stuff I remember how to use."

"Well, Ella seems to be dressed," Amelia pointed out, gesturing at her. "If you're ready, I would implore you to help her look her best for the dance. She's doing this for your sake, after all."

Ella's heart hammered when he turned since his eyes widened slightly as he took her in, gaze flitting up and down. 

"That dress looks even better than the one you wore yesterday. It's beautiful."

She glanced down at herself, feeling a flush creeping up her cheeks, but she hid her embarrassment with a scowl.

Tossing her hair, she folded her arms.

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