Chapter 91: Flower Power

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Chapter Ninety-One: Flower Power!

The next morning, when Xaphile's eyes opened, all he could do was stare sleepily at the ceiling.

The previous evening had probably been one of the best experiences he'd had in a while.

His seemingly-simple statement about the future had put everyone, even Gus, in a much better mood. Then, after explaining a few of the marvels from Earth, like theme parks and thrill rides, Amelia had eagerly prepared an enormous dinner despite the late hour. 

For the first time since Ella's death, his heart had actually lightened enough for him to smile, even if it was only a little bit now and then.

The fact that he knew his traveling companions had somehow come to care about him when this whole journey had started out being totally random and a hot mess to boot was crazy.

Even crazier was his new body, and the fact that he was no longer the same as he'd been.

But his unexpectedly rapid progress with his bodily changes did make him feel good.

He lay there until he heard the chirping of the birds outside. 

Everyone was still sleeping soundly, so he made sure to be extremely quiet when he finally got up and stretched. Yawning, he took a moment to braid his hair back, then headed outside and waited near the edge of the lake for Vordt to arrive.

He didn't have to wait long. 

Xaphile's eyes flicked up when something that looked almost like a distant bird rose above the treeline on the opposite shore. He watched as the figure soared across the water, vaguely making out the sight of a long black tail and two spread arms arching upward majestically.

He blinked when the sun slid above the distant trees and illuminated his uncle's wings.

It was like looking at an angel.

The way Vordt flew was so regal and majestic-looking that he couldn't help but feel awed: even though he was a vile piece of shit, the guy certainly knew how to move in the air.

Then his uncle landed on the edge of the beach and folded his wings, aquamarine eyes blazing.

"I never once mentioned that I would be coming as early as I do. Yet you're here at the same time today, too."

"I'm used to getting up even earlier than this," Xaphile instantly explained, thinking back to his days on Earth when every morning had been a struggle to make it to school on time. "I'm here right now because this is around the same time that you arrived yesterday."

"You cut no corners, I see," Vordt muttered, narrowing his eyes. "Good."

"So, where are we training today? Same place as yesterday?"

"No. Today you're going to be training with me right here."

Xaphile was a little startled by that at first, but then, a deep stab of anxiety sank into his gut like a stone weight. 

"I don't like that idea."

"You seem to have forgotten that I don't care," Vordt said with mock pleasantness, pulling something out of a pouch tied to his breeches; Xaphile watched as he lifted a single bell-flower up to the early morning sunlight. "I have my reasons for doing so. Don't question me, whelp."

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