Chapter 48: Kiss with a Fist

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Chapter Forty-Eight: Kiss with a Fist

Everything was quiet when Xaphile, Amelia, Vrael, and Ella came walking into the campsite.

He immediately noticed that Sinmir was nowhere in sight, but Gus was whittling a piece of wood like always.

"Gus," Amelia called, making the man jump and turn with a startled glance. "We're back... and we have much to discuss."

"Did you find him?" the blonde man lowly demanded, hand falling still. "Tell me."

"Yes, we did," Ella grumbled, waddling over to the flames with a reddened face. "Heat, blessed heat... I'm going to relax for now. Where is Sinmir?"

"He's out relieving himself," Gus grunted. "He'll be back in a moment."

"Good," Ella mumbled.

Getting to his feet and turning to glance at Xaphile, Gus opened his mouth, but halted when he saw Vrael sheepishly standing behind him, looking uncomfortable.

Xaphile instantly frowned.

"Ella," Gus said slowly, "who is that?"

But it wasn't Ella who answered.

"His name is Vrael," Amelia said softly, giving him a smile. "Due to certain circumstances, he's going to be traveling with us."

Gus's eyes narrowed.

"And what would these circumstances be?"

When Amelia winced, Xaphile lowered his eyes.

"He and Phil have become blood brothers through magic," she quietly informed him, biting her lip when his jaw tightened. "They can't be too far away from each other until we can assess the strength of the bond between them, as well as the side-effects."

"Indeed," Gus muttered, stalking towards them. "Phil... look at me."

For a long moment, he merely stood where he was... but then, ever so slowly, he lifted his eyes and met the man's gaze. Gus looked beyond angry... almost murderous.

Green eyes livid, the man suddenly stepped forward, lifted his arm, and punched him dead in the nose.

The blow was so hard and unexpected that he squeaked, seeing stars, and blindly stumbled backwards, but his feet slipped on something and he lost his balance, falling flat on his back.

Amelia gasped, Vrael jumped backwards, and even Ella looked a little startled. Gus's jade green eyes narrowed as he glared down at Xaphile's quivering form, watching with an expression of cold satisfaction as he slowly sat up and clutched his face with both hands.

"O-ow..." he whispered, blinking blearily as a warm sensation started trickling from his nose. "Why did you hit me?!"

Before everyone's stunned eyes, Gus squatted and glared.

"If you ever again put your hands on either of these girls without their permission," he said in a quiet, slightly pleasant tone, "I'll beat you black and blue, boy. Am I clear?"

Xaphile felt shock run through him, and hurt... but those feelings quickly became anger.

Muscles quivering, he shot the blonde a savage glare as his vision flickered and was slowly covered with an odd black haze.

"Phil!" Amelia gasped. "Your eyes! The whites have turned black and your irises are yellow!"

He barely heard her.

His attention was focused on Gus.

"Excuse me?" he quietly demanded, tilting his head with a feeling of cold fury blooming deep within him. "If you value your hands, keep them to yourself... because if you ever, and I do mean ever, hit me like that again... I'll break your fucking arms, you asshole."

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