Chapter 156: Ride like the Wind

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six: Ride Like the Wind

Amelia, Vrael, and Sinmir had already vanished through the portal spell by the time Xaphile and the remaining members of their group had mounted their horses. They drew a lot of strange looks when they left Atka, and the blacksmith he'd saved stared as they rode out of the city.

Gus kept his eyes on the map and led the way, with him and Ella following closely. Adariel sat comfortably in front of him on Skitsy's back while they rode. The kid really seemed to enjoy the horse's company: for the first hour of being on the road, all he did was pet her tawny mane.

"Big Brother, this is a lovely animal," the kid finally said, turning around and regarding him with bright blue-green eyes. "She has such wonderful stories to tell."

"I'm sure she does," he murmured back, glancing at Ella to see that she was watching the two of them with amusement in her eyes. "You're not the first to say that about my horse."

Adariel nodded and went back to petting her mane and murmuring under his breath. 

Xaphile turned his head then, absently looking around, feeling an odd sort of emptiness. With just him, Ella, Gus, and Adariel, the road they were taking towards the distant mountains seemed too large. He was already missing the company and warmth of his friends.

When did I get so used to them being around that it comforted me? he absently wondered, thinking over the time he'd spent with them. It's... kind of surprising, really. I didn't even realize how much I've come to depend on them...  

It made him slightly depressed and he couldn't help but worry about them. Just as he let out a sigh, a sensation as blue as an ocean and just as soft suffused his head. He closed his eyes, shivering at the strange sensation crested through his mind like a wave of water.

"Big Brother?" 

Xaphile jumped, opening his eyes to see Adariel looking at him with a slight frown.

"What is it, kiddo?" he asked, swallowing his unhappiness and forcing a smile. His little brother's eyes flicked back and forth across his face before he unexpectedly twisted in the saddle and leaned forward, extending his bony arms. 

The hug was soft and warm.

"Don't be sad," he mumbled. "Your friends will be okay."

"Yeah, I know," Xaphile said, giving him an awkward squeeze. "I... I just can't help worrying."

"Don't," Ella told him. "Do you know what Amelia would say to us if he was here?"

"'Everything will be all right," Xaphile whispered, swallowing the lump in his throat. "And then, she'd smile at us and try to change the subject to force us away from unpleasant topics."

"That's right," said Ella, nodding. "Sinmir would tell us to keep our eyes open, Vrael would make a joke about it to cheer us, and Vordt... well, he'd probably either call us foolish, or stay quiet."

"Well, they aren't here, but we'll see them again," Gus called back, not tearing his eyes from the map aside from casting the occasional glance upward. "Since Amelia took the magic bag and our supplies have been limited, making campsites will only slow us down and put us in danger."

"Then, what do you suggest?" Ella asked, surprised. "I actually forgot to take stock of our inventory and buy supplies before we left. I would assume that you did?"

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