Chapter 128: Wrath of a Big Brother

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight: Wrath of a Big Brother

Xaphile stared at Vordt with a blank expression on his face.

He blinked. Then he blinked again. And again.

But still, what he'd just heard didn't click, because uh, what the fuck?

"What did you just say?" he demanded, slowly tilting his head to the side. "Did you just..."

Vordt let out a heavy sigh through his nose and leaned down, bringing his mouth just shy of the invisible part of his ear. He blinked as a wave of foreign heat enveloped his body, and his ear, unseen, flicked as warm breath gusted across it, bringing the scent of pine trees and mint.

"This is the city that I warned you about back in Gwyradyll," Vordt whispered. "I know you're worried for your brother, but right now, you need to keep your eyes fixed on that mental little elfling you adore so much. I'm going to be shadowing the two of you wherever you go."

Xaphile blinked yet again before he remembered the warning he'd been given.

The floor dropped out from underneath him.

"This city?" he asked in a small voice. "Seriously?"

"Yes," Vordt confirmed, pulling back with a scowl. "Fear not, for I am watching over you, but... the farther we go from Gwyradyll Hollow, the weaker my magic becomes. And we are very far."

Xaphile shivered, then took a deep breath and shook his head, meeting his uncle's gaze.

"I'll keep my eyes on him," he said a little ahakily. "Promise."

Vordt nodded, but then his eyes flicked towards the stairs and he rolled them.

"Give me your bag," he deadpanned,. "I'll take it up to our room."

"Why?" Xaphile asked, furrowing his brows. "Wouldn't it be easier to take it up myself?"

The faery stared at him flatly, then pointed a finger at the stairs without looking at them and almost as if on cue, Vrael leapt into view, taking them two at a time. He whooped, grinning brightly, and instantly tore over to Xaphile, clutching his arm and dancing back and forth excitedly.

He held up Amelia's magic bag with a cheerful whistle.

"Let's go, Phil!" he exclaimed, beaming as he tossed a small pouch of coins into the air and caught it with his free hand. "We have the go ahead to start looking for supplies! This'll be my first time in a city like this, so I'm really excited to see what sort of shops are around!"

"No, both of you will wait right here for me," Vordt commanded, making Vrael stop dancing. "I'll return momentarily, so don't move an inch from this spot."

Without another word, he trotted towards the stairs with a regal gait that had a few of the women sitting in the tavern staring at him.

Xaphile noticed that they were wearing frilly, high-collar gowns with lace decorations, bright colors, and they all had pretty bonnets and fans. They giggled something to themselves, then glanced at him and Vrael, eying them both up and down.

He raised an eyebrow and looked away, feeling uncomfortable.

"Phil, let's just go," Vrael muttered, clasping his wrist. "Come on. Your uncle is your uncle, but honestly, he'd just dampen the mood."

"Eh?!" Xaphile squawked, flailing as he was jerked towards the door. "Vrael, no! Stop!"

"Come on!" the halfling laughed, tugging him along with a bright-eyed grin. "He can catch up!"

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